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J E OPA R D Y. Fossil Fuels, Alterative Energy, and Natural Resources Energy Weathering Erosion & Deposition Force Mixed Review 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "J E OPA R D Y. Fossil Fuels, Alterative Energy, and Natural Resources Energy Weathering Erosion & Deposition Force Mixed Review 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fossil Fuels, Alterative Energy, and Natural Resources Energy Weathering Erosion & Deposition Force Mixed Review 100 200 300 400 500

3 Which of the following is NOT an example of a fossil fuel? A. Coal B. Oil C. Windmill D. Natural Gas

4 C. Windmill

5 Sort the following objects as renewable or nonrenewable. Tree Sheep Gold Iron Sun Water

6 RenewableNonrenewable Bonus: Can you name 2 more renewable and nonrenewable resources.

7 Based on the model below, what type of fossil fuel will be made? Pressure Heat

8 Coal. Bonus: What piece of the model of the formation of a fossil fuel was missing?

9 Which of the following is an alternative energy? D. Natural Gas C. Oil B. Coal A. Geothermal

10 Alternative energy that is not popularly used and is considered clean because it isn't taken from fossil fuels such as coal and oil and is intended to replace fossil fuel sources.

11 Where would be the best place to use wind energy? A. Dallas, Texas B. Austin, TexasD. Plainview, Texas C. El Paso, Texas

12 Because the land is very flat and nothing would block the wind. D. Plainview, Texas

13 Which of the following step would not allow the bulb to produce light? A. Switching the wires B. Flip the battery upside down C. Cutting one wire D. Replace the wires with foil

14 C. Cutting one wire It would create an incomplete (open) circuit.

15 Which of the following uses mechanical energy? A. D. C. B.

16 C. Because the toy will move and has moving parts.

17 What types of energy can be seen in the following picture?

18 Electricity Light Heat

19 Which tool could NOT be used to complete the circuit and make the bulb light up?

20 The milk carton because paper is a insulator and will not let the energy flow through

21 Which picture below shows an example of electrical energy transferring into light energy?

22 The TV uses electricity to turn on and once the TV is on it creates light that can be seen.

23 What is it called when Earth material is broken down into smaller pieces?

24 Weathering is the breaking down of earth material into smaller pieces. Bonus: What can cause weathering?

25 What is happening in this picture?

26 Deposition of Sediments

27 What force do you think created this landform?

28 Glaciers As glaciers move they weather and erode rocks and plant life creating a u-valley.

29 What is the first step in the formation of a sedimentary rock?

30 The weathering of rocks.

31 What could have caused such a quick change in the beach? September 10, 2008 September 11, 2008

32 A hurricane. A hurricane combines water and wind weathering and erosion but with extreme force.

33 What force is the following picture an example of?

34 A Push The girl will push the ball with her foot.

35 What force is the following picture an example of?

36 A Pull The men are being pulled down to the ground.

37 A fork falls off a table. What causes the fork to hit the floor?

38 Gravity Gravity is a force that pulls objects down.

39 400 g 200 g A. D. C. B. Which box will need the most force applied to it to make it move 1 meter? 300 g 100 g

40 400 g D. Even though it is the smallest box, it has the most mass and will require the most force to move it. (Think bowling ball vs beach ball.)

41 What caused the car to travel differnet distances?

42 Friction The tile has the smoothest surface and will have less friction than a rough surface, so it will let the car travel the farthest.

43 What is the mass on the triple beam balance?

44 200 + 90 + 8= 298 grams

45 What process if occurring in the picture below?

46 Condensation. Gas Liquid Remove Heat

47 Which liquid is the most dense?

48 Honey! Because it is on the bottom

49 All of the following characteristics of a tiger help it be an effective predator EXCEPT- A.Sharp teeth and claws B.A thick coat of fur C.Powerful jaws and limbs D.Sharp eyesight and hearing

50 B. A thick coat of fur This would be used to keep warm

51 Name the producers in the food web. Owl Snake Fox Rabbit Mouse Frog Squirrel Grasshopper Berries Fern

52 The producers are the berries and the ferns. They are the PLANTS!!

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