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Meeting of the Academic Council EIASM Hanken School of Economics Helsinki, Finland September 21 2009 Paul Coughlan, President.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting of the Academic Council EIASM Hanken School of Economics Helsinki, Finland September 21 2009 Paul Coughlan, President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting of the Academic Council EIASM Hanken School of Economics Helsinki, Finland September 21 2009 Paul Coughlan, President

2 As a community, we face some “Grand Challenges” Climate change Food security Energy sustainability Aging and implications for a context defined in terms of rapid economic changes

3 There are some certainties and some uncertainties Certainties –Globalisation –Technology change Uncertainties –Exchange rates –Energy prices –Political alliances

4 Faced with such challenges and opportunities......the policy goals for research include: –Serve society and industry –Execution of research –Develop a critical mass of competitive research and researchers In response, networks have evolved to handle the complexity and integration required

5 Forming research networks is an entrepreneurial activity To create access to opportunities To generate access to expertise To create alliances for joint research and innovation

6 There are some underlying assumptions... Linkages strengthen the knowledge base Relationships facilitate exchange Compatibility, complementarity, cooperation and competition can be balanced

7 But, a network comes also with challenges Formed or emergent? Life - a means to an end or an end in itself? Scope – project, programme? Network specialisation and localised concentration? Integration and competition? Collaboration horizontally and vertically?

8 Networking since 1971, the overall mission of the to be a key actor in enhancing the role of advanced studies in management in Europe

9 Today’s agenda speaks to Network Creation for Doctoral Education Welcome to Hanken School of Economics –Marianne Stenius Panel: Practical Challenges: –Marie-Laure Djelic, Wilfred Mijnhardt, Ing-Marie Ahl, Graham Hooley Working Sessions: Practical Implications –Thomas Jorgensen, Gerry Van Dyck Panel: Learning from National and International Networks –Kristian Möller, Westley Forsythe, Michael J. Mulvany, Pierre Batteau, Colin Pilbeam EIASM Update –Board and Executive


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