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Outreach and Education Advisory Panel (OEAP) Report to the Council 153 rd CFMC Regular Meeting August 19-20, 2015 Mayagüez Holiday Inn, PR.

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Presentation on theme: "Outreach and Education Advisory Panel (OEAP) Report to the Council 153 rd CFMC Regular Meeting August 19-20, 2015 Mayagüez Holiday Inn, PR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outreach and Education Advisory Panel (OEAP) Report to the Council 153 rd CFMC Regular Meeting August 19-20, 2015 Mayagüez Holiday Inn, PR

2 CFMC’s O & E ongoing activities CFMC Report after each regular meeting available at CFMC Brochure is in the printing shop. 2016 Calendar is under design; theme: Fishing as a vocation. Anyone have photos of fishing families, traditional activities from USVI? Support for Lionfish control with UPRSG 7/14/14Alida Ortiz, OEAP Chairperson2

3 CFMC’s O & E ongoing activities Design Sustainable Seafood Campaign targeting consumers to consume other less known species, but just as delicious and healthy. Presentations from CFMC Staff (Graciela García-Moliner, Helena Antoune) to different audiences on fisheries related issues. MREP-Caribbean PEPCO USVI O & E 7/14/14Alida Ortiz, OEAP Chairperson3

4 MREP-SE-Caribbean Initiative Outreach Next session will be in the USVI in 2016. Fishers from USVI will go first to Workshops in Florida and New England. Steering Committee will be formed Establish pertinent curriculum 7/14/14Alida Ortiz, OEAP Chairperson4

5 MREP-SE-Caribbean Initiative Outreach Post MREP-PR evaluation Future action will deal with local law enforcement issues Establish new planning team for new issues Recruit MREP participants to recruit new fishers, coach presenters and refine the curricular content.

6 7/14/14Alida Ortiz, OEAP Chairperson6 PEPCO (Programa de Educación de Pesca Comercial

7 Outreach & Education USVI Style Lía Ortiz Reef Responsible: We continue to develop our partnership with the US Virgin Islands Department of Tourism. We hope to expand to St. Thomas/St. John by the end of this calendar year. We hope to engage the local supermarkets and distributors as well as local fishers in the near future. We are up to 15 restaurants that have been trained and that have received Reef Responsible Certification, including (most recently) LaReine Chicken Shack

8 MOES-VI Workshops Improve Commercial Fishing Community Awareness and Compliance in the USVI Workshops with fishers across three U.S. Virgin Islands districts were held to increase awareness of fisheries management regulations and with aim to improve compliance. NOAA staff, in collaboration with local and regional management agency representatives, engaged 200 fishers with various presentations, information and resources. Fishers were given packets with information from different agencies, including a waterproof fish measurement tool, a summary of fishing regulations in territorial and federal waters, and a fish identification guide. The three-day workshops, held in both St. Croix and St. Thomas, were hosted by the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources, with support from the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program.

9 7/14/14Alida Ortiz, OEAP Chairperson9 QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?

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