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Jeopardy Ocean Floor Oceans Trivia Ocean Ecosystems Ocean Zones Other Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Ocean Floor Oceans Trivia Ocean Ecosystems Ocean Zones Other Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Ocean Floor Oceans Trivia Ocean Ecosystems Ocean Zones Other Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

3 $100 Question from A If you’re swimming in the beach, what part of the ocean are you stepping on?

4 $100 Answer from A Continental shelf

5 $200 Question from A What is the area called where the continental shelf slopes down to the bottom of the ocean?

6 $200 Answer from A Continental Slope

7 $300 Question from A What is the bottom of the ocean floor called?

8 $300 Answer from A Abyssal Plain

9 $400 Question from A Underwater mountains area also called?

10 $400 Answer from A Mid-Ocean ridges

11 $500 Question from A Where two plates hit each other, one sliding underneath the other, what forms?

12 $500 Answer from A Trenches

13 $100 Question from B Which is more dense, salt water or fresh water?

14 $100 Answer from B Salt water (think of the egg) Fresh water Salt water

15 $200 Question from B Water is most dense at 4 C and it freezes at 0 C. Why is this so important for life on earth?

16 $200 Answer from B It means ice floats. If this weren’t true, lakes would freeze from the bottom up and kill all the fish.

17 $300 Question from B What property of water causes water molecules to be attracted to one another? Hint: think about what happens when you spill a cup of water or cloud formation (condensation).

18 $300 Answer from B cohesion

19 $400 Question from B What force keeps people from diving below about 130 feet below the surface of the ocean?

20 $400 Answer from B Water pressure

21 $500 Question from B What property of water allows certain insects to walk on the water?

22 $500 Answer from B Surface tension

23 $100 Question from C What is the zone between high tide and low tide called?

24 $100 Answer from C Intertidal zone

25 $200 Question from C As you go further into the ocean, the temperature, and the pressure.

26 $200 Answer from C Temperature decreases Pressure increases

27 $300 Question from C An area where salt water and fresh water meet.

28 $300 Answer from C Estuary

29 $400 Question from C An ecosystem located in warm ocean waters. an excellent source of food and protection for the organisms that live there.

30 $400 Answer from C Coral Reef

31 $500 Question from C What role do the deep ocean vent ecosystems play in the composition of the Earth’s oceans?

32 $500 Answer from C They recycle the ocean water and provide it with minerals as it passes through the magma chamber under the Earth’s crust.

33 $100 Question from D After 650 feet (200 meters) down, what happens to light?

34 $100 Answer from D It becomes totally dark because light can’t penetrate any further.

35 $200 Question from D In which zone does the greatest variety of the ocean’s organism’s live?

36 $200 Answer from D Continental shelf, but to be technical, the Photic Zone (first 200 meters)

37 $300 Question from D What zone is located below 2000 m where the water pressure is more than 200 times the pressure of the surface?

38 $300 Answer from D Abyssal Zone

39 $400 Question from D What is the temperature range in the abyssal zone?

40 $400 Answer from D Between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius.

41 $500 Question from D Many organisms in the bottom of the ocean depend on nutrients from where?

42 $500 Answer from D Near the surface of the Ocean.

43 $100 Question from E In which century did we discover there are creatures living at the bottom of the ocean and were able to explore the area?

44 $100 Answer from E The 20 th century

45 $200 Question from E In what ocean ecosystem must organisms adapt to an environment that changes between wet and dry? Hint: we look for some of these creatures on the beach.

46 $200 Answer from E Intertidal Ecosystem (zone)

47 $300 Question from E What is the flattest part of the ocean?

48 $300 Answer from E Abyssal Plain

49 $400 Question from E What is the definition of upwelling?

50 $400 Answer from E Cold, nutrient rich, ocean water that moves to the surface. Fishermen love it!

51 $500 Question from E New ocean floor is being formed at: Hint: think where the ocean plates are moving apart and molten rock is seeping up.

52 $500 Answer from E Mid Ocean Ridges

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