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Mammal + ology = ? Mammalology ? Mammology ? Mammalogy !!!

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Presentation on theme: "Mammal + ology = ? Mammalology ? Mammology ? Mammalogy !!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mammal + ology = ? Mammalology ? Mammology ? Mammalogy !!!

2 Mammalian diversity 28 Extant (living) Orders 153 Families 1230 Genera 5,420 Species So what is classification? Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Subspecies Why do we use it?:

3 Is that a lot,? Amphibians4,020 species Reptiles6,600 species Birds10,000 species Fish25,000 species 250,000 described plants 1,000,000 described insects

4 So, not impressed? Cenozoic is often called “The Age of Mammals” Mammals are the most geographically widespread and morphologically diverse group of vertebrates

5 Largest range of body sizes Smallest: Etruscan shrew or bumblebee bat, 2 g Largest terrestrial: African elephant, 16,000 pounds Largest ever vertebrate: Blue whale, 300,000 pounds!!!!

6 Circle the largest animal……

7 Mammals have diverse habitats. Terrestrial, Aboreal (in trees)

8 In the air

9 And under the ground: Subterranean Star mole: A mammal in the rodent family found in swamps and marshes in North America

10 In the water: aquatic

11 Truly aquatic

12 True or false? Mammals evolved before the dinosaurs. Trivia:

13 True! Circle where mammals first “evolve” Make a box around when mammals show the greatest diversity

14 So, what makes it a mammal? Lactogenic: produces milk to feed young Viviparous: live birth* Hirsute: epidermis has hair* Endothermic homeothermy: produces heat metabolically instead of absorbing it from environment, regulates body temp at a stable level* But lots of other things, too....

15 Selected skeletal features Stronger jaw structure (single bony element in lower jaw = dentary; stronger, simpler jaw. Improved hearing (3 ear ossicles = malleus, incus, stapes; Secondary hard palate (more efficient air flow, allows breathing while eating, suckling) Specialized teeth (restricted to margin of jaw; process food better.

16 Why would it be better to have a hard palate separating the mouth and nose?_______ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____

17 5 zones of vertebral column (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, caudal) WHY??? Double occipital condyles (reduces stress on spine, finer control of head movements) Thoracic ribs only (no cervical or lumbar ribs; lighter skeleton, more flexible movement of spine) Vertebrae certain adaptations of vertebral column while permitting flexion/extension and torque General trend to decrease complexity and number of bones; Less energy required for development and maintenance of skeleton, lighter frame for quicker movement

18 4-chambered heart (improved circulation, better oxygen delivery) Enucleated red blood cells (carry more oxygen) Highest concentration of mitochondria (supports higher metabolic rate) Large complex lungs, muscular diaphragm (enhanced breathing, gas exchange rate) Masseter muscles associated with jaw (new set of muscles in mammals for greater control of jaw movements) Sweat and sebaceous glands (aid thermoregulation) Enlarged neopallium (cerebral hemispheres of brain, greater coordination and learning ability)

19 Sustained energy production More or less related to a general trend for a greater capacity for sustained energy production, which is essential for endothermic homeothermy at high body temperatures, and high levels of activity.

20 A quick dash through the extant (living) mammalian orders....

21 Monotremata (monotremes) 2 Families, 5 species

22 Mostly South American marsupials 3 Orders, 3 Families, 21 species

23 Mostly Australian and New Guinean Marsupials 4 Orders, 18 Families, 237 species

24 Afrosoricida (golden moles and tenrecs) 2 Families, 51 species Macroscelidea (elephant shrews) 1 Family, 15 species

25 Tubulidentata (aardvark) 1 Family, 1 species Hyracoidea (hyraxes) 1 Family, 4 species

26 Proboscidea (elephants) 1 Family, 3 species Sirenia (dugongs and manatees) 2 Families, 5 species

27 Cingulata (armadillos) 1 Family, 21 species Pilosa (anteaters and sloths) 4 Families, 10 species

28 Scandentia (tree shrews) 2 Families, 20 species Dermoptera (colugos) 1 Family, 2 species

29 Primates (lemurs, lorises, monkeys, apes, students, etc.) 15 Families, 376 species

30 Rodentia (rodents) 31 Families, 2277 species Half of all mammal species!

31 Lagomorpha (rabbits and pikas) 3 Families, 92 species Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs) 1 Family, 24 species

32 Soricomorpha (shrews, moles, solenodons) 4 Families, 428 species

33 Chiroptera (bats) 18 Families, 1116 species > 20% of mammal species!

34 Pholidota (pangolins) 1 Family, 8 species

35 Carnivora (dogs, cats, bears, mustelids, pinnipeds, raccoons, etc) 15 Families, 286 species

36 Perissodactyla (horses, rhinos, tapirs) 3 Families, 17 species

37 Artiodactyla (pigs, hippos, camels, deer, giraffes, antelopes, cattle, goats, sheep, etc.) 10 Families, 240 species

38 Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) 11 Families, 84 species

39 atch?v=SyFBQmThEPk&s afety_mode=true&persist_s afety_mode=1 m/videos/mammals-vs- dinos/

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