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Guest lecture Computer Science. Expectations What do you want to take home today? Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20142.

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Presentation on theme: "Guest lecture Computer Science. Expectations What do you want to take home today? Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20142."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guest lecture Computer Science

2 Expectations What do you want to take home today? Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20142

3 What I wanted to discuss □ Compulsory introduction □ Who is a Computer Scientists? □ A practical example □ Practice! □ Tip for the PP □ Evaluation Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20143

4 Who am I? Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20144

5 Why am I here? Because I think technology is awesome Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20145 1700 1800 19002000 Renaissance Industrial Revolution Technological Revolution Space Age Digital Revolution

6 Why am I here? Because I think technology is awesome Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20146 Smartphones Self-driving vehicles Augmented Reality Google Glass

7 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20147 It’s all possible because of computers and computer scientists

8 source: Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20148

9 WHO IS A COMPUTER SCIENTIST? Computer Scientists vs “Normal” People Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/20149

10 What a Biologist might see View from the Uithof Utrecht Source: Google Streetview Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201410 water Abscission, deciduous Young birch? Homo sapiens sapiens Fossil fuels Old oak? Contains cholorphyll grass

11 Here’s what I see View from the Uithof Utrecht Source: Google Streetview Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201411 Carries phone Radio, ABS, navigation, gps, fare system,... Bus Information System Automatic lamppost NFC chips in OV- cards, laptops

12 WHO IS A COMPUTER SCIENTIST Attributes Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201412

13 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201413 ComputerScientist = { “attributes” : { “life_long_learner”, “puzzle_solver”, “loves_challenges”, “creative”, “team_player”, “lazy”, “efficient” } };

14 LET’S HAVE AN EXAMPLE A Facebook problem Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201414

15 The problem □ We’ve got this fantastic event we want to host □ It’s open to anyone □ We want to invite all our friends to this event □ … but Facebook doesn’t have an ‘invite all’ option  Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201415

16 The problem Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201416

17 The solution elements = document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]”); for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if(elements[i].type = “checkbox”) { elements[i].click(); } } Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201417

18 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201418

19 TIME TO GET OUR HANDS DIRTY (not physically, depending on how clean you keep your keyboards) Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201419

20 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201420 Please type this URL in your browser: Follow the puzzles there If you have any questions, ask!

21 A TIP FOR YOUR PERSONAL PROJECT Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201421

22 Computer science is all about attitude □ Don’t do things manually! Make it a puzzle instead Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201422

23 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201423 Thanks for listening to this presentation! I’d really appreciate it if you’d help me give better presentations by giving feedback Please go to:

24 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201424 If you’re interested in learning more, you can find more resources here: (starts off a bit easy) And these slides are at:

25 TRIVIA Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201425

26 Guest Lecture Computer Science - ISH25/5/201426 1) What does RAM mean? Random Access Memory 2) Why does your computer become slower when there are a lot of programs open? When your RAM is full, instead of from the fast memory, your processor has to load instructions from the hard drive which is slower 3) Another word for location in memory (RAM) is a) Index b) Address c) URL 4) How many bits are there in a byte? 8 bits in a byte

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