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GTA 101: Surviving the First Week Monica Baziotes Kent Games Lindsey Zanchettin.

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Presentation on theme: "GTA 101: Surviving the First Week Monica Baziotes Kent Games Lindsey Zanchettin."— Presentation transcript:

1 GTA 101: Surviving the First Week Monica Baziotes Kent Games Lindsey Zanchettin

2 GTA Survival Guide  Online resource to help you throughout the entire semester.  Compiled by Auburn GTA’s!  Biggio Center Website and Facebook Page Biggio Center Website

3 GTA Responsibilities I’m at Auburn. Now what?

4 GTA Professionalism  Dress the part! Avoid tight, revealing, torn clothing in the classroom and lab.  Use appropriate and respectful language when addressing students in person and on paper.  Because of FERPA laws, don’t discuss individual students in public forums (Facebook, etc.). Don’t discuss individual student progress, grades, etc. with anyone other than the student, including parents, if the student is over the age of 18.FERPA laws

5 GTA Professionalism  Always come prepared to class with a lesson plan, notes, and a backup plan. Know the classroom layout and technologies.  Become familiar with Canvas if your course is online. It has some great features that may help you teach and assess more effectively.  Be familiar with the material at all times in case students come to you with questions. This is your job!  Exude self-confidence in the classroom, but don’t be arrogant or a “know-it-all.” You want your students to trust you and learn from you.

6 Departmental Policies  Each department has its own policies regarding absences, assessment, GTA cancellations, behavior, office hours, etc.  Ask your lead professor about these policies before you begin teaching! You must adhere to them stringently.  Meet other grad students in your department who can help you.

7 Personal Policies  Your syllabus is a contract.syllabus  The more policies you have, the more you have to police.  Never give preference to certain students. Be fair and equitable to all students.  Keep your relationships with students strictly professional – don’t social network.

8 University Policies  Become familiar with university policies. For example, what is considered an excused absence?excused absence  Auburn’s Student ehandbook is a great resource for students and GTA’s. It has information about cheating, plagiarism, and almost every other university policy there is.Student ehandbook  Emergency Preparedness is important to consider. The university offers courses throughout the academic year to train you. Emergency Preparedness courses

9 What are your responsibilities?  Probable list  Weekly labs or lectures  Office hours  First line for student questions/concerns  Emailing class (reminders, course materials)  Going over quizzes, exams  Providing make-ups  Proctoring, grading, and creating student assessments  Maintaining student records, posting to Canvas

10 Working With Your IOR  Discuss expectations early in the semester  May vary depending on IOR  Be proactive  Ask questions

11 Classroom Management  Communicate expectations  Rules of the classroom  Level of participation  Be consistent  Possibly provide your own syllabus  Keep records of communications with students

12 Office Hours  Maintain regular hours  Encourage students to visit  Keep door open when students visit  Maintain confidentiality

13 Feedback to Students  Timely  Productive  Correct inaccurate knowledge  Verify with instructor of record when to post

14 Maintaining Confidentiality  FERPA  Discuss only with student, instructor of record  Parents do not have right to information, even if student is a minor  Exception: student gives consent  Email not always secure means of communication  Enter grades in private location

15 Maintaining Confidentiality  Keeping Records  Retain for one year  Secure location (instructor or grad office, locked)

16 Icebreaker  Form a group of 4 with those sitting next to you. Share with the group:  Your Name  Department for which you are a GTA  If you could be any type of cookie, what would you be and why?

17 Now that you know each other  As a group, solve the problem on the handout which is being passed around. You will have 5 minutes to complete.

18 Did anyone solve the problem? NationalityColorBrandDrinkAnimal NorwegianYellowDunhillWaterCat DaneBlueBlendTeaHorse BritonRedPall MallMilkBird GermanGreenPrinceCoffee Fish SwedishWhiteBlue MasterBeerDog

19 Purpose of This Activity  Meet “classmates”  Model type of learning you want in class  Team-Based Learning  Critical Thinking

20 In Summary  By the end of the first day of class, students will have:  A sense of where they’re going and how they’ll get there  A feeling that other members of the class are not strangers, that you and they are forming a group in which it’s safe to participate  An awareness that you care about their learning and will be fair  An expectation that the class will be both valuable and fun

21 Course Toolkit  Accessible on Auburn’s home page under “Employees”  View class rolls and see pictures of your students.  Email your students.

22 Using Technology  Set up your course(s) on Canvas and explore its features. IMG can help with this. Make sure to publish them.  Using the Toolkit, send a friendly email to your students welcoming them to your class before you have your first meeting together.  Have a plan to incorporate technology in your class beforehand.

23 A Successful First Week….  … in your control!  Questions?

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