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Presented By Name: Lucia Maria N. F. Albuquerque Country: Brazil Presented By Name: Lucia Maria N. F. Albuquerque Country: Brazil 3 rd International Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By Name: Lucia Maria N. F. Albuquerque Country: Brazil Presented By Name: Lucia Maria N. F. Albuquerque Country: Brazil 3 rd International Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By Name: Lucia Maria N. F. Albuquerque Country: Brazil Presented By Name: Lucia Maria N. F. Albuquerque Country: Brazil 3 rd International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine August 03-05, 2015 Birmingham, UK In Association with

2 EVALUATING THE EFFECT OF THE FLOWER ESSENCES IN TRAUMAS AND FEARS IN CHILDREN WHO LIVE IN A POOR SITUATION Lucia Maria N. F. de Albuquerque Guilherme Giani Peniche Léia Fortes Salles Maria Júlia Paes da Silva

3 Introduction The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic, in 2013, made a statistic which showed that there are more than 11 million people living in slums in Brazil. Inside this universe the quantity of children and teenagers in risky situation is huge. The slum brings a vulnerable situation because, as there is no security there, it´s results in several fears and traumas.

4 Introduction The social inequality, the unemployment, the extreme poverty and the violence found in this place contribute for the traumatic situation episodes. The most common fears are: the father or the mother won´t come back home after work, flood, landslide, hunger, shooting, violence, death and social rejection. Everything is the same as life is at constant risk.

5 How to help ? There are many resources that can be used to minimize the problem and the suffering of children Actions that make them more resistant to face the reality. Our choice was Floral Therapy that helps to restore the balance.

6 Why Floral Therapy ? The fear reactions and the trauma existence are frequently related by the children that live in the slums and who also are members of the non-governmental organization called “Gotas de Flor com Amor” (“Drops of flower with love”). The flower essences can be a relief for the fear and trauma expressions decreasing the possibility of physical, mental and emotional disorders appearance.

7 Floral Therapy It was developed by the British Doctor Edward Bach. His aim was to help his patients to recover their physical, mental and spiritual health. The flower essences are made from specific flowers and work with the person´s vibrations. “It has the power to elevate our vibrations, and thus draw down spiritual power, which cleanses mind and body, and heals” (Dr. Edward Bach)


9 Aim Evaluating the effect of the flower essences in traumas and fears in children who live in a poor situation

10 Method TYPE OF STUDY: This is a randomized clinical trial, double-blind, with quantitative and qualitative approach. PLACE OF STUDY: The non-governmental organization “Gotas de Flor com Amor” has the mission to educate and restablish the lives of children, teenagers and families who live in a poor situation. They deal with children from 6 to 16 years old. SAMPLE: We have worked with children from 6 to 8 years old and we have had a total of 17 children in this study.

11 Method Exclusion Criterion Children that had already taken floral. Children that for any reason had been absent from the institution for 5 consecutive days.

12 Method Data Collection Procedure After the project approval, a presentation was made for the institution responsible and for the children´s parents. The group was separated in:  Experimental: that received a bottle within Bach flower essences Rock Rose, Mimulus, Aspen, Star of Bethlehem and water.  Placebo: that received a bottle with only water.

13 Method Data Collection Procedure The intervention has taken 2 months divided in 30 days each one. After the end of the research the Placebo group has received a bottle within the flower essences. The effect of the flower essences was evaluated by a specialist through the creation of a Garden that was analised quantitatively and qualitatively using the principles of art therapy.

14 Method Data Collection Procedure The children have made three gardens: one before the first intervention, one in the end of the first intervention and another one in the end of the second intervention. In the second and third gardens the children were allowed to modify the last one or to make a new one. Time to create the garden: up to 30 minutes Each garden was photographed Individually, each child had up to 15 minutes to explain his/her garden, which was recorded.

15 Method Data Treatment It was analysed:  Verbal registers  The garden  Quantity of elements, colors and spaces used The evolution of all the elements used in the three gardens was analysed in each phase showing the floral effectiveness

16 Results


18 The verbal register and the garden production were considered altogether. In the experimental group, 07 (87,5%) children showed improvement and 01 (12,5%) child remained unchanged. In the placebo group, 02 (28,6%) children showed improvement and 05 (71,4%) children remained unchanged, as we can see in the following graphic. There was no correlation between the use of colors, elements or space and the improvement or worsening of the children.

19 Results Comparison between groups; 2015

20 Experimental Case Garden 1 Garden 2 Garden 3

21 Placebo Case Garden 1Garden 2 Garden 3

22 Conclusions The gardens that the children from the experimental group created after the use of flower therapy showed evidences of better elaborations of fears and traumas experienced compared to the placebo group. This improvement was observed in the creation of the garden, in the verbal registers and in the children´s behaviors. There was no correlation between the use of colors, elements or space and the improvement or worsening of the children. We concluded that the floral therapy can be used to help reduce the consequences that these emotions produce in the human behavior.

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25 Traditional Medicine-2016 Website: / Meet the eminent gathering once again at Traditional Medicine-2016 London, UK October 03-05, 2016

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