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Exposition This part of the story introduces the setting and characters and establishes mood. It may set the stage for the conflict, and it may introduce.

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Presentation on theme: "Exposition This part of the story introduces the setting and characters and establishes mood. It may set the stage for the conflict, and it may introduce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exposition This part of the story introduces the setting and characters and establishes mood. It may set the stage for the conflict, and it may introduce the theme. Open any novel. Read the first paragraph. Think about how their exposition starts.

2 How might you start your own? (Choose) Dialogue Action Description Narrative by a character Setting/ Mood Creating Conflict & Tension Establishing Theme What kind of narrator?

3 Directions You are to construct the exposition of your story using yourself as the protagonist. Use the picture you brought to stimulate a creative idea, and use your brainstorm to help you form your character. Be creative!

4 Excerpt from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

5 Excerpt from Delirium by Lauren Oliver It has been sixty four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty-three since the scientists perfected a cure. Everyone else in my family has had the procedure already. My older sister, Rachel, has been free for nine years now. She’s been safe from love for so long, she says she can’t even remember its symptoms. I’m scheduled to have my procedure in exactly ninety five days, on September 3 rd, My birthday.

6 Excerpt from Lies by Michael Grant smashed windows. Human Crew tags, their logo, along with warnings to freaks to get out. In the distance, up the street, too far away for Sam to want to chase after, a couple of kids, maybe ten years old, maybe not even that. Barely visible in the false moonlight, taking swings, staggering. Grass grows everywhere. Weeds forcing their way up through the cracks. Trash: chip bags, six-pack rings, supermarket plastic bags, random sheets of paper, articles of clothing, single shoes, hamburger wrappers, broken toys, broken bottles, and crumpled cans- anything that wasn’t actually edible- formed random colorful collections. They were poignant reminders of better days.

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