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IMPORTANT REMINDERS Apr. 1 st : Second round papers due Apr. 8 th : Final day for proficient PowerPoint 70% or better Will NOT be able to present if not.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPORTANT REMINDERS Apr. 1 st : Second round papers due Apr. 8 th : Final day for proficient PowerPoint 70% or better Will NOT be able to present if not."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPORTANT REMINDERS Apr. 1 st : Second round papers due Apr. 8 th : Final day for proficient PowerPoint 70% or better Will NOT be able to present if not a proficient PowerPoint Starting next week – Presentation practice, practice, practice! Apr. 15 th : Senior Project Presentations!!!!!!


3 OVERALL ISSUES Spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization – PROOF READ YOUR SLIDES Bullet word length – 6x6 rule is helpful No sentences with/without periods Eliminate all filler words (like, as, the, both, these, etc.) Font size…one more time is: Title – 38 Main point – 28 Subpoints/subbullets – 24

4 OVERALL ISSUES Label – clarify – BE OBVIOUS with information You are spoon feeding information to your panel, assume they know nothing Examples: Purpose, Influence, Political/Economic Feasibility, Recommend to, etc. No unnecessary spaces Tenses should match – BE CONSISTENT Examples: History – happened, Current Situations – happening, Recommendation – (should) happen Use bullets correctly And sub-point/sub-bullets

5 SECTIONS Policy ID: Make sure to have formal title of law and number History and Background: organization should flow Timeline of events Creation of your law Purpose of law Influences – remember to be explicit Current Situation: Not enough numbers and data Need strong information Graphs – size, quality, no other information on slide, CITATION (source, year)

6 SECTIONS Differing Viewpoints: State WHO holds this viewpoint and WHAT the viewpoint is Compare/Contrast: What SPECIFICALLY is view – not just “they are opposites” Recommendation: Strong, clear policy recommendation with rationale WHAT is your change WHY are you doing this Conclusion– restate each section in one bullet point – clear and concise

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