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Crew Scheduler 2.5 to 2.6 The Leap in Efficiency William Rosenberg, M.S., NREMT-P, CCEMT-P.

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Presentation on theme: "Crew Scheduler 2.5 to 2.6 The Leap in Efficiency William Rosenberg, M.S., NREMT-P, CCEMT-P."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crew Scheduler 2.5 to 2.6 The Leap in Efficiency William Rosenberg, M.S., NREMT-P, CCEMT-P

2 Butler Medical Transport  Founded in 2001, 1 Ambulance, “Hobby”  Currently 65 Vehicles Operating in 3 States  246 Employees  96% Non Emergency 4% Emergency Transfers  Approximately 59,000 transports FY10 25,000 Ambulance Transports 34,000 Mobility Transports  Utilizing Rescue Net CAD, Billing, EPCR, Navigator, Road Safety & Crew Scheduler  Deployed Crew Scheduler Spring 2006 ---- 72 Employees

3 Crew Enhancements  Projected PTO  Dashboard

4 Scheduler Enhancements  Dashboard  Certification Tracker  Drag & Drop  All Region Mode  Personnel-Monthly Mode  Attaching Forced Punches  Proxy Punch Repeat  On-Call Shifts

5 Scheduler Enhancements  Time off Policies  Punch Bulletins  Point Policies  Payroll Exports Multiple File Output  Resource Picker Multiple Attribute Display  Daily Report All Region Display

6 Projected PTO  Allows PTO balance to be projected into the future, for checking future PTO requests  When employees make PTO requests, and the current balance does not satisfy the request, the system projects the employee's balance out to the date of the PTO request. This creates a projected balance. The employee sees a warning similar to the following: PTO Projection: current bal: 2.5; proj hrs: 8.0; proj bal: 10.5; proj date: 5/22/2011; #periods: 4. This request depends on PROJECTED future PTO accrual.

7 Projected PTO  PTO requests that are based on a projected balance are flagged as "projected" requests. This is not a request status, it is a property of the request. Projected requests can be of any status (pending, denied, approved). When a projected request is approved, no PTO items are added to the employee timesheet. Once accrued hours are available, PTO items are created for the timesheet, and the PTO request changes from a projected to a normal PTO request. The Availability screen has a new filter "Projected only". (Main > Scheduling > Availability) The Time-off Requests screen has several new status filters: (Main > Supervisor > Time-off Requests) Projected: shows projected requests, any status. Projected – approved: shows projected requests with a pending status Projected – pending: shows projected requests with an approved status  When the PTO Accrual service runs each night, it attempts to fill projected requests that are approved

8 Dashboard



11 Dashboard – Certification Tracker  Region Specific  Review Immediate Issues and/or Pending  Allows For Upper Management Review

12 Dashboard – Certification Tracker  Each Certification is Customizable  Punch Forbiden

13 Drag & Drop

14 All Region Mode

15 Personnel-Monthly Mode

16 Attaching Forced Punch's  Ensures Proper Bonus & Differential Rules Apply as Well As Point Policies  Cleaner Time Sheets – Easier to Approve  A

17 Proxy Punch Repeat  Allows for Repetitive Punching with Out Reopening Screen

18 On-Call Shifts  On-Call shifts allow people to be scheduled for period of “on-call” time, and also to be scheduled for normal shifts with the on-call time. Correspondingly the system allows for several options for paying the on-call time and worked hours within on-call periods. Eliminates Tying special Rates to Shifts Eliminates Manipulating Hours on call Based on Call In’s

19 On-Call Shifts  Full Pay Pay all on-call time. All scheduled on-call hours are paid hours, regardless of how many standard- shift hours were worked during the on-call time.  Pay Overlap Pay on-call time where standard shifts overlap.  Pay Non-overlap Pay on-call time where standard shifts DO NOT overlap.  Full pay if under threshold Pay all on-call time if person works less than [threshold] standard shift hrs.

20 On-Call Shifts

21 Time off Policies  Allows Rules to Be Applied When Employees Requests Time Off  Dates & Priorities can be set for automatic approval of time off requests  Set Limits on How Many People can have TO per day (or per day & night) Per region & Per Request Attributes Constraints Requests that violate policies can be denied or left on a pending list

22 Time off Policies


24 Time Off Policies  Eliminates Large Quantities of People Taking off Particular Day (Christmas, etc.)  Allows for Auto Approval of Time Off – Decreasing Manual Labor  Keeps a running list in case prior employee leaves the company  Allows Blocking of High Volume Day Off

25 Punch Bulletins



28  General Reports -> Bulletins

29 Point Policies  Allow Employees to accrues disciplinary points when certain events occur  When employees exceed a threshold point total, they and their supervisors, receive a warning email notification  Points & events are stored in a detailed audit log for review and documentation

30 Point Policies  Punch in early  Punch in late  Punch out early  Punch out late  Partial shift Points accrue when an employee works less than the total scheduled shift hours. “Less than scheduled" is defined as a percentage of the scheduled shift hours, plus an optional number of minutes. Examples: "less than 50% of the shift", "less than 50% of the shift plus 60 minutes". Points are not accrued until a supervisor line-item-approves the shift on a timesheet.

31 Point Policies  Shift Replacement Various Point values Depending on Replacement Code

32 Point Policies Resetting Point Balances  Anniversary  Calendar Year  Rolling Period  Never/Manual Non-Monetary Benefits  EEOC  Un-Employment  DLLR  Clear Cut Objectives  Removes In-Equity  Decreases Supervisor Involvement

33 Multiple File Output


35 Multiple Attribute Display


37 Daily Report


39 Scheduler Enhancements  Auto-Biddable Slots  Add Slot on The Fly  Mailboxes  Bonus Rule: “Regular Hours Only” Option  Event Notification: Late Punch In  Shift Level Constraints

40 Leap in Time Efficiency  Full-Time Scheduler – RNCS 2.5 40 Hours/Week $12.00/ hour  Full-Time Scheduler – RNCS 2.6 32 Hours/Week $12.00/ hour  RNCS 2.6 Savings Weekly - $96.00 Yearly - $4,992.00- 20% Savings

41 Leap in Money Efficiency  Average Overtime RNCS 2.5 Per Pay Period $9,575.69  Average Overtime RNCS 2.6 Per Pay Period $3,383.33  Yearly Overtime Average Savings 2.6 vs. 2.5 $161,001.36

42 Total Annual Payroll Savings  Personnel $4,992.00  Overtime $161,001.36  Yearly Savings $165, 993.36

43 Questions

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