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El niño / La niña. Volcanic eruptions: release tiny ash particles into atmosphere which can block solar radiation and cool the planet Eruptions & Cimate.

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Presentation on theme: "El niño / La niña. Volcanic eruptions: release tiny ash particles into atmosphere which can block solar radiation and cool the planet Eruptions & Cimate."— Presentation transcript:

1 El niño / La niña

2 Volcanic eruptions: release tiny ash particles into atmosphere which can block solar radiation and cool the planet Eruptions & Cimate Sunspots: cooler areas of sun  cooler planet Earth rotation: precession, nutation, eccentricity can change climate either way

3 Carbon dioxide(CO2) – from fossil fuel and plant burning(50-120 years in atmosphere) Methane: from landfills, fossil fuel production, cow farts(12-18 yrs in atmos) 23 times the warming potential of CO2 Methane Capture Water Vapor: from evaporation (inc. with temp inc) Leads to increasing cloud cover and storms

4 Photosynthesisvs.Respiration Deforestation-releasing carbon that was stored in trees and preventing future storage of CO2 Plankton: main photosynthesis organisms Ocean Acidification: caused by increasing CO2 amounts in oceans (Carbonic Acid) Destroying coral reefs (home to most fish)

5 Albedo: ability of a surface to reflect light Snow/ice is better than water/dirt (less snow  more heat) Heat Island: area of increased heat absorption by surfaces (associated with urban areas-asphalt & buildings) Green Roof: covered in vegetation instead of dark surface Covered by solar panels?? Chicago city hall

6 Anthropogenic: human-centered Human impacts on climate change? Mitigate: to make less severe ways humans can lessen impacts on climate?

7 Thermal expansion: when water heats up it increases in volume Sea level rise: thermal expansion and melting ice caps lead to higher sea levels Does the melting polar ice raise sea levels?

8 Coal: mined from ground (US supplies) Oil/petroleum: drilled from underground (OPEC) Natural Gas: Fracked from underground (US) Acid rain: burning of fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide particles which lead to acid rain

9 Solar: photovoltaic panels convert sunlight directly to electricity (StrataSolar) Wind: Biofuel: Hydroelectric: Hydrogen fuel: Nuclear: uses Fission (split Uranium into smaller atoms releasing energy) Tidal/wave power: Geothermal:

10 Turbine: large fan spun by steam heated by energy source or spun by falling water in Hydro dam Generator: device spun by turbine that utilizes electromagnetism to generate electrical energy from mechanical energyGeneratorGenerator

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