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By: Rebecca Chowdhury. Ordinary No quality or interest,normal,not special My lunch was ordinary.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Rebecca Chowdhury. Ordinary No quality or interest,normal,not special My lunch was ordinary."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Rebecca Chowdhury

2 Ordinary No quality or interest,normal,not special My lunch was ordinary.

3 Glistening To reflect a sparkling light,faint intermittent glow,sparkle I saw a glistening light.

4 Clever Smart The new girl is very clever.

5 Dotty Crazy or eccentric The man is dotty.

6 Faint Lacking brightness,faint color Faint shadows appear at night

7 Nourishment Something that nourishes;food,noutriment or sustenance I always say he wouldn’t go on eating like he does unless he needed nourishment.

8 Frantically Desperate or wild with excitement All the kids ran to the store frantically for more chocolate.

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