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Traits of Life I Traits of Life II Cells I Cells II Classification 200 400 600 800 1000 FINAL JEOPARDY.

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Presentation on theme: "Traits of Life I Traits of Life II Cells I Cells II Classification 200 400 600 800 1000 FINAL JEOPARDY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traits of Life I Traits of Life II Cells I Cells II Classification 200 400 600 800 1000 FINAL JEOPARDY

2 200-1 Why do organisms need energy?

3 Organisms need energy to grow and develop, to move and to allow organs and cells to function.

4 400-1 What is photosynthesis?

5 Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants produce their own food using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

6 600-1 If an organism is unable to adapt to its surroundings and maintain homeostasis, what will happen to the organism?

7 It will die.

8 800-1 What do all organisms need to produce energy?

9 Nutrients and water

10 1000-1 What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph? Give specific examples of each.

11 An autotroph produces its own food. All plants are autotrophs. A heterotroph must consume (eat) its food. All animals are heterotrophs.

12 200-2 What is the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment (inside its body) even when the external environment (outside its body) changes?

13 Homeostasis

14 400-2 What is a stimulus?

15 A stimulus is any change that causes an organism to react.

16 600-2 What is a response?

17 A response is an organism’s reaction to a stimulus.

18 800-2 Any change an organism makes which makes it better able to survive in its environment is known as an ___________.

19 Adaptation

20 1000-2 After a running a marathon, Lauren is feeling extremely thirsty since her muscles used up a great deal of water during the race. Lauren retrieves her water bottle and drinks some water to relieve her thirst. What is the stimulus in this passage? What is the response in this passage?

21 The stimulus is thirst. The response is drinking water.

22 200-3 Which cell organelle contains genetic material and is the control center for the cell? It’s like the cell’s brain.

23 Nucleus

24 400-3 Which cell structure determines what enters and leaves the cell? It’s like a screen door.

25 Cell membrane

26 600-3 Which cell structure provides a plant cell with structure and support? It’s like a plant cell’s skeleton, except it’s not inside the cell.

27 Cell wall

28 800-3 Which cell organelle allows plant cells to perform photosynthesis?

29 Chloroplasts

30 1000-3 Name two structures which plant cells have which animal cells do not.

31 Chloroplasts and a cell wall

32 200-4 What substance fills the inside of a cell?

33 Cytoplasm

34 400-4 What is the process of cell division called when a cell produces a copy of itself?

35 Mitosis

36 600-4 What is the process of cell division called when a cell produces new cells for the purpose of reproduction (sperm and eggs)?

37 Meiosis

38 800-4 If mitosis is not performed correctly and cells start reproducing uncontrollably, what disease can that cause?

39 Cancer

40 1000-4


42 200-5 What is another word for grouping things together?

43 Classification

44 400-5 What is the classification of living things?

45 Taxonomy

46 600-5 Which taxonomic grouping contains the most organisms and which contains the fewest?

47 A kingdom has the most organisms and a species has the fewest organisms.

48 800-5 Which taxonomic grouping contains organisms which share the most characteristics and which contains organisms which share the fewest characteristics?

49 Organisms in the same species share the most characteristics, while organisms in a kingdom share fewer characteristics.

50 1000-5 What two taxa (groupings of living things) are used to write the scientific name of an organism?

51 Genus and species (i.e. Homo sapiens- Homo is the genus; sapiens is the species)


53 Use the dichotomous key provided to determine which flag is the flag of Cote d’Ivoire?


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