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1 © 2014 LWI Financial Inc. LWI Financial Inc. (“Loring Ward”) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Securities.

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Presentation on theme: "1 © 2014 LWI Financial Inc. LWI Financial Inc. (“Loring Ward”) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Securities."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 © 2014 LWI Financial Inc. LWI Financial Inc. (“Loring Ward”) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Securities transactions are offered through its affiliate, Loring Ward Securities Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. IRN R 14-512. (Exp 12/16)

2 2 Marketing Plan Outline –Business Background –Summary of Client/Prospect Insights –Marketing Goals, Strategies, Tactics –Annual Marketing Calendar

3 3 Business Background What business are we in? –We specialize in retirement planning for utility and telecom employees by working with investors that are either retired or planning for retirement. What is our size? –$xx million in assets What is our ranking/position? –#2 in Everytown, MI Who is/are our primary competitor (s)? –The traditional financial services firms as well as banks and online service providers How are they winning? –Because of our competitive advantage and our unique position, we feel that we are not significantly affected by competitive concerns. However, we know we need to diversify our business beyond our current range of clients

4 4 Summary of Client/Prospect Insights Who is our core target? –Utility and telecom employees that fit any of the following: 1.) Retiring within 12 months 2.) age 59 1/2 3.) Changing jobs What are their needs (met and unmet)? –Retirement planning –Retirement income planning –Life events planning What are the core target’s attitudes towards investing & planning? –Conservative –Wide range of sophistication –Investments may be limited to their 401(k) plans Are their certain groups that are more profitable/loyal than others? –Telecom/Utility executives are more profitable put not necessarily as loyal Are they who we are focusing on right now? –Yes, but not as an exclusive focus

5 5 Marketing Goal 1: Increase new business ___ % from current clients Strategy 1: Increase market share from current clients. Strategy 2: Develop referral strategy that creates client advocates Corresponding Tactics: 1.Expand client advice process to broaden areas covered 2.Develop a robust, consistent strategy for client contact 3.Develop client education program (newsletters, white papers, seminars, webinars) 4.Develop crisis communication plan Corresponding Tactics: 1.Develop referral promotion strategy focused on making help available to client ’ s family and friends 2.Create Client Advisory Board 3.Develop plan to Connect with next generation of clients ’ families.

6 6 Strategy 1: Target Telecom/Utility Executives Strategy 2: Target Telecom/Utility workers Corresponding Tactics: 1.Create a custom brochure and website content 2.Offer quarterly/monthly newsletter to prospects and clients 3.Offer timely information in the form of End of Year Review, Mid-Year Reviews and other topical pieces 4.Lunch and learn webinars Corresponding Tactics: 1.Create a custom brochure 2.Offer quarterly/monthly newsletter to prospects and clients 3.Offer timely information in the form of End of Year Review, Mid-Year Reviews and other topical pieces 4.Offer educational seminars at work. Marketing Goal 2: Convert ___ high-value prospects to clients

7 7 Strategy 1:Increase prospect awareness of capabilities Strategy 2: Consistent marketing programs Corresponding Tactics: 1.Fully develop website content that prospects could use for more information 2.Offer e-newsletter to prospects 3.Use Life-Events marketing pieces 4.Some local newspaper/banner advertising built around public seminars and life events offers 5.Develop metrics and track success Corresponding Tactics: 1.Offer educational workshops/seminar series that would be offered at a specific time and date each month – 2.Advertise seminar dates on website and plan around convenient times 3.Create leave behind/resource for prospects that outlines the services we offer 4.Further segment the list of prospects that is already in existence to create a “ better qualified ” list of leads. Marketing Goal 3: Acquire ___ new non-Telecom/Utility clients

8 8 Marketing ProgramQ1Q2Q3Q4 Develop Brochure Develop Website Seminars (at least monthly) Pitchbook Monthly e-newsletter Third-Party Networking Client Recognition Events Marketing Calendar

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