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National Policy in Mexico ITDP Regional Staff Meeting Buenos Aires. September 30, 2014.

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1 National Policy in Mexico ITDP Regional Staff Meeting Buenos Aires. September 30, 2014

2 Basic information Mexico is a federal republic composed by 32 states, more than 2,440 municipalities and 59 metro areas. Definition of national goals and objectives Federal States Municip alities Public transit management TypeFunctionsActors Zoning and small scale urban projects SHCP – SEDATU – SCT Governors Majors and IMPLANs

3 Past National Policy Work The priority for ITDP Mexico has been the establishment of a national framework to assist cities, technically and financially, to implement innovative projects. Influence the national planning process to consider sustainable urban mobility (SUM) Federal States Municip alities Implementation of large scale transit projects TypeITDP goalSuccesses Implementation of TOD policies, traffic calming measures, and cycling/pedestrian infrastructure SUM is an national strategic objective: National Development Plan National Urban Development Program 6 new BRT corridors (Monterrey, Puebla, Chihuahua, Estado de Mexico, Distrito Federal) MiBici in Guadalajara Work in progress in several cities: Guadalajara (Zone 30), Monterrey (Accessibility and Cyclist Infr Plan), Puebla (Cyclist network and Zone 30), Pachuca, Toluca, Acapulco, La Paz, Aguascalientes.

4 Special remarks for national policy SUM National Strategy Federal Success Challenges Big budget but no urban vision. They will continue to subsidize road infrastructure in cities. They have ambitious national goals but no budget to move forward and assist cities. Cost – benefit evaluation tends to favor road infrastructure. They seem comfortable with status quo Scale up transit investments and transparency. They need to offer more flexible products. Support the implementation of a project and position themselves as a relevant actor

5 Special remarks for the State of Jalisco case System project prioritization and Mibici (Metropolitan Fund) Success Challenges Jalisco Replicate Jalisco's case and make local political commitment to advance in promoting SUM policies States Increase local revenues to scale up transit infrastructure projects AGS Work more closely with the municipal government to boost PROTRAM expected project towards an integral TOD strategy DF Avoid comfort zone and keep implementing innovative policies like parking reform. Deal with federal mega projects (New airport and high speed trains)

6 Special remarks for federal funds study and visualization platform System project prioritization (Metropolitan Fund) Metro

7 Opportunities and ITDP Mexico Strategy 1. Modify cost – benefit methodologies in order to consider co-benefits (health, accidents) and externalities (induced demand) States 1.Work with both Aguascalientes state and municipal government to design and implement a TOD strategy. 2.Assist cities with PROTRAM projects to implement NMT measures, TOD strategies and/or Ecozones. 3.Identify other cities where opportunities to implement innovative project exist and make field visit to move forward with local authorities. Federal 2. Keep assisting SEDATU to get the SUM Program (advocacy work with SHCP and Congress) 3. Implement an Ecozone whithin the CAMe framework Municip alities

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