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Good Afternoon – Please have Anthologies ready! Andrew Tye Dan Robertson Danielle Turnbull Hollie Statham Tai Toffield Brown Andrew Bassett Alex Horner.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Afternoon – Please have Anthologies ready! Andrew Tye Dan Robertson Danielle Turnbull Hollie Statham Tai Toffield Brown Andrew Bassett Alex Horner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Afternoon – Please have Anthologies ready! Andrew Tye Dan Robertson Danielle Turnbull Hollie Statham Tai Toffield Brown Andrew Bassett Alex Horner Adam Wrigley Ellen Curry Liza Ryan Rachael Thornton Andy Tweedy Jennifer Guillan James Rowatt Jake Cooper Adam Shorthouse Jess Johnson James Taylor Ross Moore Matthew Robson Jen Ross Adam Wrigley Jamie Farnworth Eve Beston Ethan Murphy Alex Gould Philippa Bacon Bradley Gray Jake Cooper Ethan Murphy Jake Cooper Ethan Murphy Jake Cooper Ethan Murphy DOOR

2 Relationships Poetry Today’s Focus…

3 If you were going to cook up a perfect literature assessment paragraph… What would the key ingredients be? Please use one sector of the consensus placemat each and then put your common ideas in the middle

4 What is needed in an outstanding literature paragraph? ?

5 How to be perfect… In preparation for a challenging exam, today we look at writing the perfect paragraph. Obviously, write several perfect paragraphs and you’re left with a perfect exam response! This assessment is worth 36 marks. The other question on the paper – the unseen – is worth 18 marks…

6 ON THE LINE! If you knew WHAT to write – how confident are you that you could write in a STYLE (HOW) that would get a top Literature mark? Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag! Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag! Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag!

7 How to be perfect… The markscheme assesses two skills… 1.Interpretation and 2.Analysis Our objective today is to learn how to be more interpretive and more analytical

8 How to be perfect… The markscheme assesses two skills… 1.Interpretation and 2.Analysis

9 1. Interpretation If you interpret something, you say what it means. Can you interpret these symbols? Correct Recycle No dogs

10 Is It That Easy? No! Literature doesn’t have right and wrong answers. You won’t get marks for that kind of interpretation, which would look like this. The poets brother has no bus fare. “suddenly you froze, said you Hadn’t any bus fare.” Interpretation of text Textual detail

11 Checkpoint One The perfect paragraph begins with the perfect quotation. Which of these quotations from the anthology is best for interpretation? “My son aged three fell in the nettle bed.” “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” Decide and then JUSTIFY your answer to your partner in one sentence

12 Checkpoint One The perfect paragraph begins with the perfect quotation. Which of these quotations from the anthology is best for interpretation? “My son aged three fell in the nettle bed.” “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” Decide and then JUSTIFY your answer to your partner in one sentence

13 “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” This is a better quotation. If we were making Signs like this then the first one would have been better because it’s more literal and obvious but the quotation above allows us to be more interpretative about the poet’s feelings and ideas about. In other words, it implies or suggests things but doesn’t directly say them.

14 “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” Why is he unable? What literally is the distance, and what metaphorically? What emotion does the poet feel? I’d set in motion… was it his fault? This is something moving… what does this suggest about how the relationship developed later? Perfect interpretation is detailed interpretation!

15 “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” Why is he unable? Emotionally and developmentally, rather than physically. It is unlikely that he was literally unable to stop running. What literally is the distance, and what metaphorically? The distance from the bus to the house but really this is about their fading relationship What emotion does the poet feel? Regret? Guilt? I’d set in motion… was it his fault? Literally but he implies that he is at fault for the fact that he and his brother became distanced. This is something moving… what does this suggest about how the relationship developed later? This seems to be the moment that the poet traces back to being the start of the breakdown of trust and friendship. It seems that the relationship continued to fade. Perfect interpretation is detailed interpretation!

16 My Perfect Interpretation Paragraph The last line is revealing about the poet’s relationship with his brother. “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” The poet seems to be emotionally and developmentally, rather than physically unable to repair the relationship. It is unlikely that he was literally unable to stop running. He refers to distance, which is literally from the bus to the house but really this seems to be about their fading relationship. Although he was at fault in the incident for not going back, he also implies that he is at fault for the fact that he and his brother became distanced. The incident seems to be the moment that the poet traces back to being the start of the breakdown of trust and friendship. It seems that the relationship continued to fade.

17 Here are four more quotations Q1:And this is love, high noon, calamity, hard liquor in the old last chance saloon. Q2Time’s love’s beggar, but even a single hour bright as a dropped coin makes love rich. Q3I’m one of your talking wounded. I’m a hostage. I’m maroonded. Q4Let not the marriage of true minds admit impediment Rank order them in order of how good you think they are in helping you interpret (say) some things about relationships in the poems. For your top choice write three things that you can interpret.

18 ON THE LINE! If you knew WHAT to write – how confident are you that you could write in a STYLE (HOW) that would get a top Literature mark? Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag! Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag! Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag!

19 How to be perfect… The markscheme assesses two skills… 1.Interpretation and 2.Analysis

20 Analysis Is simply breaking something down into bits to understand how it works as a whole. This handle is indented so your thumb can rest there for better grip This middle is flexible to get different angles The brushes are shaped to help get between teeth In an analysis you choose the important parts and you examine their features and the reason or effect

21 Analysis Example – Love? “Then I widened the search, traced the scarring back to its source to a sweating, unexploded mine” When analysing, in deciding on the important parts and their features, consider: Sentence type eg declarative Word Type eg adjective Techniques eg metaphor Structural things eg repetition Associations or effects In an analysis you choose the important parts and you examine their features and the reason or effect

22 Analysis Example - Love. In an analysis you choose the important parts and you examine their features and the reason or effect In this quotation: Declarative (statement) Metaphor Adjectives Alliteration Connotations of potential danger Pun “Then I widened the search, traced the scarring back to its source to a sweating, unexploded mine”

23 Go back to your quotation Now annotate it with all the features you can think of – Sentence type eg declarative – Word Type eg adjective – Techniques eg metaphor – Structural things eg repetition – Associations or effects

24 My Perfect Interpretation Paragraph The last line is revealing about the poet’s relationship with his brother. “I ran on, unable to close the distance I’d set in motion.” The poet seems to be emotionally and developmentally, rather than physically unable to repair the relationship. It is unlikely that he was literally unable to stop running. He refers to distance, which is literally from the bus to the house but metaphorically really this seems to be about their fading relationship. Although he was at fault in the incident for not going back, he also implies, using a definite statement that he is at fault for the fact that he and his brother became distanced, suggested by the repetition of the pronoun “I”. The incident seems to be the moment that the poet traces back to being the start of the breakdown of trust and friendship. It seems that the relationship continued to fade.

25 ON THE LINE! If you knew WHAT to write – how confident are you that you could write in a STYLE (HOW) that would get a top Literature mark? Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag! Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag! Couldn’t even start A* is in the bag!

26 Now… Construct a perfect paragraph based on your learning today..!

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