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New Directions Objectives: List some of the factors responsible for discontent among some African Americans Explain what new philosophies were developed.

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2 New Directions Objectives: List some of the factors responsible for discontent among some African Americans Explain what new philosophies were developed by African Americans to deal with discontent

3 New Leadership Civil Rights has slow gains African Americans adopt a new, more radical approach to fight racial prejudice Willingness to use violence to protect themselves and to achieve just treatment

4 Black Muslims Founded in the 1930’s by Elijah Muhammad Embraced Islam Preached black nationalism which pushes for separation from whites to create their own nation

5 Malcolm X Very gifted speaker for the Nation of Islam “Stop singing and start swinging” Became more moderate and was assassinated in 1965

6 Black Power Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) becomes more radical SNCC embraces black power Violent acts will be justified and preached racial distinctiveness Split the Civil Rights Movement

7 Black Panthers Militant black power group Used confrontations to force equal rights Large riots in the North and South Investigated by Kerner Commission and ghettos create riot situations

8 Assassination of MLK MLK assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968 James Earl Ray admitted to the assassination

9 Riots in Response One week of riots in response to this assassination

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