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1 Strategic Plan Annual Update Scottsdale Police Department May 21, 2008 Police/Fire Headquarters 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Strategic Plan Annual Update Scottsdale Police Department May 21, 2008 Police/Fire Headquarters 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Strategic Plan Annual Update Scottsdale Police Department May 21, 2008 Police/Fire Headquarters 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

2 2 Welcome & Comments from the Chief Chief Alan Rodbell

3 3 Purpose for Today Purpose:  Annual Update of the 5-Year Strategic Plan  This is the 5 th Year “Ground-Up” Process Objectives:  Review Current Realities  Brainstorm New Strategies  Identify Strategic Objectives & Directions

4 4 Purpose for Today.. Clarification:  There are Active Strategies from the Previous Plan that are currently being worked on…  There are Inactive Strategies from the Previous Plan that are Scheduled to Begin in Future Years… Don’t Worry About Knowing or Duplicating These During Our Exercises Today!

5 5 What Lies Ahead?

6 6 Review of Current Reality Michelle Korf, Downtown Group “Downtown Development & Issues” Cmdr. Johnny Cervantes “Downtown District” Asst. Chief Sean Duggan “Patrol Staffing & Community Issues” Asst. Chief John Cocca “Investigative Trends”

7 7 Quick Overview on: Aligning Mission, Vision & Strategies Objectives Strategies Strategic Directions Vision Mission Objectives Strategies Strategic Directions Vision Mission Objectives Strategies Strategic Directions Vision Mission DEFINITIONS Mission Is a statement of the general purpose of the organization. Vision Is an image of how the organization desires to operate in the future. Strategic Directions Are derived from the Department’s Mission & Vision & are high-level statements of what the organization desires to achieve. Objectives Are derived from & support the stated Strategic Directions. Objectives are statements of the general means by which the organization will work to meet the Strategic Directions. Strategies Are statements of how each Objective will be addressed. Strategies might incorporate multiple initiatives or projects, & are designed to produce measurable results.

8 8 Quick Overview on: Aligning Mission, Vision & Strategies

9 9 Department’s Current Mission Statement “The Scottsdale Police Department, in partnership with the citizens of Scottsdale, recognizes the changing needs of our community and law enforcement’s role in addressing those needs. Furthermore, we pledge EXCELLENCE, INITIATIVE AND INTEGRITY to enhance the quality of life throughout our City knowing those we serve deserve no less.”

10 10 Department’s Current Vision Statement “The Scottsdale Police Department is a professional organization with exemplary leadership and employees. We are known as a community that is safe and secure, and have reduced the fear of crime for all of our citizens and visitors. We have collaborative working partnerships with the community and City government. Our resources, including finances, technology and staffing levels, are aligned with our 5-year strategic directions.”

11 Current Vision is Based on: Our 2007 Strategic Directions & Objectives

12 12 15 Minute Break

13 13 Vision Exercise Focus Question: “What does the ideal Scottsdale Police Department look like 5 years from now?”


15 15 Competing Interests Exercise Focus Question: “What is blocking us from reaching/moving towards our current vision?” This is NOT the time for “Solutions”!

16 16 Competing Interests Exercise Be Careful When Wording! Don’t be vague. Be very specific. Don’t Say:Do Say: “Poor Communication” “There is not a mechanism in place to allow exchange of information between…x & y” “Lack of Funding for Training” “Officers are under-trained in Homeland Security”

17 17 Competing Interests Exercise Back to the… Focus Question: “What is blocking us from reaching/moving towards our current vision?”

18 18 15 Minute Break

19 19 Solutions Now it’s time for… SOLUTIONS! 3 STEPS: 1.Brainstorming Strategies 2.Identifying & Naming Objectives 3.Identifying & Naming Strategic Directions

20 20 Solutions Focus Question: “We could do a number of things, but what are some concrete & specific actions, we, as a Department, can take to address these competing interests?” STEP #1: Brainstorming Strategies

21 21 Solutions STEP #2: Identifying & Naming Objectives STEP #3: Identifying & Naming Strategic Directions

22 22 Summary & Next Steps What We Have Accomplished Today…  Reviewed our current realities  Reviewed our Department Mission  Developed a 5-year Vision  Discussed competing interests  Identified concrete actions we can take  Identified & named Objectives & Directions

23 23 Summary & Next Steps Next Steps in the Planning Process…  Take Input to Community (3 Community Forums)  Prioritize Strategies  Create 5-year calendar  Assign Sponsors & Strategy Leaders  Develop Definitions & Measures of Success

24 24 Closing Remarks Thank You Very Much For Participating Today!

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