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WELCOME TO WELCOME TOASPIREJEOPARDY “Round 2” $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $100 ConfidentialityConfidentiality.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO WELCOME TOASPIREJEOPARDY “Round 2” $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $100 ConfidentialityConfidentiality."— Presentation transcript:



3 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $200 $500 $400 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $100 ConfidentialityConfidentiality Odd But Odd But True Odd But Odd But True Family Contract Amendment PolicyPolicy ParticipationParticipation

4 Participation is not required for these individuals. PARTICIPATION - $100

5 The answer is: What is “exempt”? PARTICIPATION - $100

6 PARTICIPATION - $200 PARTICIPATION - $200 Countable after the first 20 hours for non- teens.

7 PARTICIPATION - $200 PARTICIPATION - $200 The answer is: What is GED/High School completion?

8 PARTICIPATION - $300 PARTICIPATION - $300 Participation activity to gain skills and/or experience.

9 The answer is: What is volunteering? PARTICIPATION - $300

10 PARTICIPATION - $400 PARTICIPATION - $400 Participation for at least an average of 20 hours per week.

11 PARTICIPATION - $400 PARTICIPATION - $400 The answer is: What is the minimum participation requirement for a single family with a child under the age of 6?

12 PARTICIPATION - $500 PARTICIPATION - $500 Self employment hours are calculated the same as employment hours.

13 PARTICIPATION - $500 PARTICIPATION - $500 The answer is: What is false?

14 POLICY - $100 POLICY - $100 TANF benefits received after 60 months.

15 POLICY - $100 POLICY - $100 The answer is: What is an exemption?

16 POLICY - $200 POLICY - $200 Services received after TANF closes due to earned income.

17 POLICY - $200 POLICY - $200 The answer is: What is Transitional Services?

18 POLICY - $300 POLICY - $300 To eliminate dependency on Public Assistance and become self-supporting.

19 POLICY - $300 POLICY - $300 The answer is: What is the goal of the ASPIRE Program.

20 POLICY - $400 POLICY - $400 The amount of time a client has to request benefits be restored pending a hearing.

21 POLICY -$400 POLICY -$400 The answer is: What is 10 days?

22 POLICY - $500 POLICY - $500 A clarification of policy to staff is in this format.

23 POLICY - $500 POLICY - $500 The answer is: What is an Operating Memorandum?

24 FCA's - $100 FCA's - $100 An agreement that is binding to both ASPIRE and the participant.

25 FCA's - $100 FCA's - $100 The answer is: What is the Family Contract Amendment (FCA)?

26 FCA's - $200 FCA's - $200 All action items need to start on this day of the week.

27 FCA's - $200 FCA's - $200 The answer is: What is Sunday?

28 FCA's - $300 FCA's - $300 No transportation, no childcare, no GED/diploma.

29 FCA's - $300 FCA's - $300 The answer is: What are barriers?

30 FCA's - $400 FCA's - $400 Mandatory requirement for all ASPIRE activity.

31 FCA's - $400 FCA's - $400 The answer is: What is verification?

32 FCA's - $500 FCA's - $500 Process that deals with resolving barriers that ASPIRE Specialists are not equipped to do on their own.

33 FCA's - $500 FCA's - $500 The answer is: What are referrals to outside agencies?

34 CONFIDENTIALITY - $100 CONFIDENTIALITY - $100 The form that must be signed in order to provide information to third parties.

35 CONFIDENTIALITY - $100 CONFIDENTIALITY - $100 The answer is: What is a Consent for Release of Information?

36 CONFIDENTIALITY - $200 CONFIDENTIALITY - $200 The legislative representatives and Governor’s office requires these to obtain client information.

37 CONFIDENTIALITY - $200 CONFIDENTIALITY - $200 The answer is: What is a Written Consent or a Court Order?

38 CONFIDENTIALITY - $300 CONFIDENTIALITY - $300 This is the usual written notice requirement for a client or representative to view a case record.

39 CONFIDENTIALITY - $300 CONFIDENTIALITY - $300 The answer is: What is “one working day in advance”?

40 CONFIDENTIALITY - $400 CONFIDENTIALITY - $400 This must be “removed, de-identified or deleted”.

41 CONFIDENTIALITY - $400 CONFIDENTIALITY - $400 The answer is: What is information in a client’s record that is deemed to be confidential?

42 CONFIDENTIALITY - $500 CONFIDENTIALITY - $500 This is an acronym for confidentiality rules regarding the release of medical information.

43 CONFIDENTIALITY - $500 CONFIDENTIALITY - $500 The answer is: What is “HIPPA”.

44 ODD BUT TRUE - $100 ODD BUT TRUE - $100 Individuals are required to be at least 100 feet from a State building to do this.

45 ODD BUT TRUE - $100 ODD BUT TRUE - $100 The answer is: What is smoke?

46 ODD BUT TRUE - $200 ODD BUT TRUE - $200 This Maine landmark and public building was originally lit prior to WWII and remained lit until 1987. The lighting was then turned off and it remained dark until 1995.

47 ODD BUT TRUE - $200 ODD BUT TRUE - $200 The answer is: What is the State House Dome?

48 ODD BUT TRUE - $300 ODD BUT TRUE - $300 This wooden item is produced more in Maine than in any other state.

49 ODD BUT TRUE - $300 ODD BUT TRUE - $300 The answer is: What is the toothpick?

50 ODD BUT TRUE - $400 ODD BUT TRUE - $400 This is the method of notifying State employees of delays or cancellations of their work day.

51 ODD BUT TRUE - $400 ODD BUT TRUE - $400 The answer is: What are WCSH TV, WLBZ TV, WAGM TV, and the State of Maine Home Page?

52 ODD BUT TRUE - $500 ODD BUT TRUE - $500 This happens when an employee’s assignment to a position consists of at least 80% VDT operation.

53 ODD BUT TRUE - $500 ODD BUT TRUE - $500 The answer is: What is an eye exam at the State’s expense?


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