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1 202 MDE Medical Terminology. 2 What is a prefix? A prefix is a syllable added to the front of a base word (root). When we add a prefix to a base word,

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Presentation on theme: "1 202 MDE Medical Terminology. 2 What is a prefix? A prefix is a syllable added to the front of a base word (root). When we add a prefix to a base word,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 202 MDE Medical Terminology

2 2 What is a prefix? A prefix is a syllable added to the front of a base word (root). When we add a prefix to a base word, the meaning is changed. PREFIXES

3 3 English meaningPrefix no, nota-, an- away fromab- towardad- up, apartana- before, forwardante- againstanti- twobi- slowbrady-

4 4 through, completedia- bad, painful, difficultdys- out, outsideec-, ecto- within, in, inneren-, endo- above, uponepi- out, outsideex-, extra-, exo- halfhemi- excessive, abovehyper- below, deficienthypo- in, intoin-

5 5 betweeninter- withinintra- badmal- beyondmeta- newneo- near, along the side ofpara- surroundingperi- manypoly- after, behindpost-

6 6 beforepre- before, forwardpro-, pros- behind, backre-, retro- under, belowsub- with, togethersyn (m)- fasttach- across, throughtrans- threetri- beyondultra- oneuni-

7 7 Exercise Write the meanings of the following medical terms: 1- apnea ____(no breathing)___________ 2- anemia _____(no blood)____________ 3- abnormal _____(away from norm)_____ 4- adrenal gland __(near or toward the kidney)___ 5- analysis _________(breaking a part of a substance to understand its contents)_____ 6- antenatal _______(before birth)____________ Exercise Write the meanings of the following medical terms: 1- apnea ____(no breathing)___________ 2- anemia _____(no blood)____________ 3- abnormal _____(away from norm)_____ 4- adrenal gland __(near or toward the kidney)___ 5- analysis _________(breaking a part of a substance to understand its contents)_____ 6- antenatal _______(before birth)____________

8 8 7- antibiotic _____(pertaining to against germ or bacterial life)____________ 8- bilateral _____(pertaining to both sides)_________ 9- bradycardia ___(slow heartbeat)_____________ 10- diagnosis _____(complete knowledge about the patient’s condition)__________ 11- dyspnea __(painful, difficult breathing)________ 12- ectopic pregnancy _______(pertaining to a pregnancy that is outside its place)____

9 9 13- encysted ___(inside the bladder)____________ 14- endoscopy __(process of viewing the inside of the body by using an endoscope)______ 15- epidermis ___(the outer layer of the skin)_____ 16- excision ___(to cut out, remove)____________ 17- extrahepatic __(pertaining to outside the liver)_ 18- hemiplagia __(inability to move one side of the body)___

10 10 19-hyperglycemia _(higher than normal level of sugar in the blood)__________ 20- hypoglycemia __(lower than normal levels of sugar in blood)_____________ 21- incision __(cutting into the body or an organ)__ 22-intervertebral__(pertaining to lying between two back bones)____________ 23- intravenous __(pertaining to within a vein)_____ 24- malignant __(tending to become progressively worse)_______________

11 11 25- metacarpals ___(bones of the hand between the wrist bones and the finger bones)_____ 26- neonatal ____(pertaining to new birth)________ 27- paralysis ______(loss or impairment of movement in a part of the body)________ 28- periosteum _____(membrane that surrounds bone)______ 29- polyuria ___(excessive urination)___________ 30- postnatal ___(pertaining to after birth)_______

12 12 31- pernatal ____(pertaining to before birth)______ 32-prognosis_(predict the outcome of an illness or treatment)__________ 33- resection __________(remove of an organ)___ 34- retroperitoneal __(pertaining to behind the peritoneum)__________ 35- subgastric __(pertaining to below the stomach)_ 36- syndrome ____(set of symptoms and signs of disease that occur together to indicate a disease condition)____

13 13 37-tachycardia __(condition of fast, rapid heartbeat)________ 38- transabdominal __(pertaining to across the abdomen)____ 39- tricuspid valve ___(valve on the right side of the heart that separates the upper right chamber from the lower right chamber. It has three cusps or points)_ 40- ultrasound ____(sound waves with greater frequency than can be heard by the human ear)____ 41- unilateral _____(pertaining to one side)_______

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