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Completing Teacher and Assistant Principal Evaluations in PeopleSoft Follow steps on the next slides in order.

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Presentation on theme: "Completing Teacher and Assistant Principal Evaluations in PeopleSoft Follow steps on the next slides in order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Completing Teacher and Assistant Principal Evaluations in PeopleSoft Follow steps on the next slides in order.

2 1 23 456 78 To panel list main Completing FY14 Teacher & AP Evaluations Instructions for Principals

3 Pathway Navigation This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide. 1 2 34 PeopleSoft Pathway - Main Menu  Manager Self Service  Performance Management  PB Dept Evaluation 5 6 78 To panel board main To panel list main

4 1 2 3 Select the type of evaluation “Tch Annual” for Final Evaluation and “Tch Mid Yr” for Mid-Year Evaluation, then select search. The search results will be shown below the search option when the screen refreshes. To proceed click on the Teacher category for processing. 4 5 6 78 To panel board main To panel list main Evaluation Type Selection This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide.

5 1 2 3 If the Eval Code is correct, place a check in the box “Prin/Dir Approve Eval” to open the evaluation up to Teacher or AP to sign. Then select “Submit” to save the action. Select “Next in List” to proceed to the next category group to complete the employees you supervise. Complete this process for all categories that you supervise to open up the Evaluation for all employees. 4 5 6 78 To panel board main To panel list main Release to Teacher or AP for Signature This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide.

6 1 2 34 5 6 78 To panel board main To panel list main Monitoring This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide. Notice that from this page a Principal can monitor the progress of the process, once the Teachers or AP signs the evaluation the Principal can see if the they agreed/disagreed, and signed. Please Note: Any Employee who has an Evaluation Code of NOT EVALUATED will only need the final signed by the supervisor, no copy is required to be mailed to the employee. Completing Steps 3, 4, & 5 will finalize the process. Upon seeing that the employee has signed or that they are coded as Not Evaluated, then the Principal can complete the process by clicking the “Select” button by the Teacher or AP’s name.

7 1 2 3 Review the individual page for the Teacher or the Assistant Principal, the employee has either agreed/disagreed and has signed the document or was Not Evaluated in FY13. The Principal will then select “Prin/Dir Submit Signature” and then select “Save” to complete the processing for this employee. 5 4 6 78 To panel board main To panel list main Supervisor Process Completion This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide.

8 1 2 3 6 4 5 78 To panel board main To panel list main Principal Not Available for Signature This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide. Teachers or Assistant Principal who are not available to sign evaluation: From the grid, click the “Select” button by the employee’s name, go to the bottom of the form and click the box “Employee Not Available to Sign”, also select “Supporting Document Received” and enter the Certified Mail Receipt Number and Date Mailed to indicate that the document has been mailed to the employee via Certified Mail. Select the “Prin/Dir Submit Signature” and then select “Save” to complete the processing for this Teacher. Select “Printable Version” to have a copy that is mailed to the employee.

9 1 2 3 Teacher or AP’s Refuses to Sign: From the grid, click the “Select” button by the Employee’s name, go to the bottom of the form and click the box “Employee Refused to Sign”, then proceed to the box titled “Witness Emplid” and enter the Employee Identification number of a witness to a conference where the Employee refused to sign. Select “Save” so the witness name is then seen on the screen, proceed to the “Prin/Dir Submit Signature” button and then select “Save” to complete the processing for this employee. Select “Printable Version” and present a copy of the evaluation to the employee. 7 4 5 6 8 To panel board main To panel list main Teacher or AP’s Refused to Sign This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide.

10 1 2 3 The grid can be personalized by selecting the personalize option on the far right of the screen. You can also print an excel version of this grid by selecting the grid icon with the red arrow to the right of the personalize feature. 8 4 5 6 To panel board main To panel list main 7 Additional Notes This slide is hyperlinked. Clicking on the numbered boxes will take you to that corresponding slide. Please Remember: Any Employee who has an Evaluation Code of NOT EVALUATED will only need the final signed by the supervisor, no copy is required to be mailed to the employee. Completing Steps 3, 4, & 5 will finalize the process. Report Queries will be provided to assist with monitoring this process.

11 Click for Step 1 Pathway Navigation Click for Step 2 Evaluation Type Selection Click for Step 3 Release to Teacher or AP for Signature Click for Step 4 Monitoring Click for Step 5 Supervisor Process Completion Click for Step 6 Teacher or AP Not Available for Signature Click for Step 7 Teacher or AP Refused to Sign Click for Step 8 Additional Notes To panel board main

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 To panel list main

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 To panel board main To panel list main

14 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 To panel board main To panel list main

15 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 To panel board main To panel list main You can monitor from this screen the actions completed by the Teacher or Assistant Principal, if they agreed/disagreed and signed the evaluation.

16 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 To panel board main To panel list main

17 2 3 4 6 1 5 7 8 To panel board main To panel list main Enter the Certified Mail Receipt # and the date mailed. If employee signs in person, state date signed.

18 2 3 4 7 1 5 6 8 To panel board main To panel list main

19 2 3 4 8 1 5 6 7 To panel board main To panel list main Please Note: Any Teacher or Assistant Principal who has an Evaluation Code of NOT EVALUATED will only need the final signed by the supervisor, no copy is required to be mailed to the employee. Completing Steps 3, 4, & 5 will finalize the process. Report Queries will be provided to assist with monitoring this process. The grid can be personalized by selecting the personalize option on the far right of the screen. You can also print an excel version of this grid by selecting the grid icon with the red arrow to the right of the personalize feature.

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