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Class Procedures Make notes using Cornell Notes. Class Procedures Start of Class Come in and get your portfolio. Go to your assigned seat. Open your portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Procedures Make notes using Cornell Notes. Class Procedures Start of Class Come in and get your portfolio. Go to your assigned seat. Open your portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Procedures Make notes using Cornell Notes

2 Class Procedures Start of Class Come in and get your portfolio. Go to your assigned seat. Open your portfolio to the current page.(the last page you were on) Follow any directions on the board.

3 Class Procedures Computer Use Use your assigned computer. Do not change without your instructors permission. Do not change any settings unless told to by your instructor. Do not stream music. Do not download anything unless told to by our instructor. Be sure to Log Off when you are finished.

4 Class Procedures Turning in Papers Make sure your name is on your paper! Turn in your paper in the appropriate cubby hole or, Pass your paper up as directed. If you are turning in late work be sure to put it in the proper cubby hole.

5 Class Procedures Restroom Use Do not leave the room without permission. Only one student at a time may leave the room. Sign out on the form and take the pass. Leave your ID. and your phone. Sign back in and return the pass. Students will be allowed to go to the restroom 4 times per six weeks. After the 4 th time it will cost a 10 minute D-Hall.

6 Class Procedures End of Class The doorbell is not for you it is for the teacher. It does not mean to put your things away. Wait for instructions from your teacher. When directed, log off of the computer if you are on one, put your portfolio in the bookcase, and return to your assigned seat. The bell does not dismiss the class. When everything is correct the teacher will dismiss you.

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