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Life on the Internet Defining. Agenda Topics To Be Covered The Internet The World Wide Web Internet Service Provider Web Browser Uniform Resource Locator.

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Presentation on theme: "Life on the Internet Defining. Agenda Topics To Be Covered The Internet The World Wide Web Internet Service Provider Web Browser Uniform Resource Locator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life on the Internet Defining

2 Agenda Topics To Be Covered The Internet The World Wide Web Internet Service Provider Web Browser Uniform Resource Locator Hypertext Web Terminology The Internet The World Wide Web Internet Service Provider Web Browser Uniform Resource Locator Hypertext Web Terminology

3 What is the Internet? _____

4 What is the I_______?

5 What is the Internet?

6 World Wide Web

7 What is the W____ W___ W__? The World Wide Web (WWW/Web) is one of several tools you can use to find information on the Internet. It allows you to view information on the Internet in a multimedia and easy-to- navigate format. The World Wide Web (WWW/Web) is one of several tools you can use to find information on the Internet. It allows you to view information on the Internet in a multimedia and easy-to- navigate format.

8 How Does the World Wide Web Work? Before

9 How Does the World Wide Web Work? Now!

10 Internet Service P______

11 What is an Internet Service Provider? An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides ______ ______ for its clients. Examples: America Online (AOL) & MSN An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides ______ ______ for its clients. Examples: America Online (AOL) & MSN

12 Web Browser

13 What is a Web Browser? A Web Browser is software located __ your computer that allows you to view the Internet in a _________ format (e.g., sound, movies, and pictures).

14 What is a Web Browser?

15 Examples of a Web Browser Netscape Microsoft Internet Explorer Mosaic Netscape Microsoft Internet Explorer Mosaic

16 U______ R_______ L_____

17 What is a Uniform Resource Locator? A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address of a ___ ____ on the Internet. –URLs are unique –URLs are case SENSITIVE A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address of a ___ ____ on the Internet. –URLs are unique –URLs are case SENSITIVE

18 What is a Uniform Resource Locator? Web Address: Street Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20500 Web Address: Street Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20500

19 Learning Uniform Resource Locators Affiliation Abbreviations –.com = Commercial –.edu = Educational –.gov = Governmental –.int = International –.mil = Military –.net = Internet resource –.org = Non-profits Affiliation Abbreviations –.com = Commercial –.edu = Educational –.gov = Governmental –.int = International –.mil = Military –.net = Internet resource –.org = Non-profits

20 Learning Uniform Resource Locators Examples –The Department of Education –U S WEST Examples –The Department of Education –U S WEST

21 Learning Uniform Resource Locators More Examples –University of Northern Iowa –United States Army More Examples –University of Northern Iowa –United States Army

22 Learning Uniform Resource Locators More Answers! –Navy –University of Iowa More Answers! –Navy –University of Iowa

23 H________

24 What is Hypertext? Hypertext, also known as a link, is a "button" which takes you to another part of the original page or to another web page. Click Me!!

25 Web Terminology Web Site Web ____ Homepage Web Site Web ____ Homepage

26 What is a Web Site?

27 What is a Web Page(s)?

28 What is a Homepage?

29 Topics Covered The Internet The World Wide Web Internet Service Provider Web Browser Uniform Resource Locator Hypertext Web Terminology The Internet The World Wide Web Internet Service Provider Web Browser Uniform Resource Locator Hypertext Web Terminology

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