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Published byShanon Bradford Modified over 9 years ago
For a better built environment 2 VISION To provide sustainable built environment professions, serving public and national interest
For a better built environment 3 Mission Through leadership of the built environment professions, facilitate integrated development, whilst promoting efficiency and effectiveness
For a better built environment 4 VALUES Integrity We will carry out responsibility in an manner that will preserve and enhance the integrity of the organisation Transparency We recognise the CBE as a public entity and commit to provide reliable information to all our stakeholders Excellence We will endeavour to achieve the best possible standards in all we do Innovation We will continuously seek and employ better and more affordable solutions to meet the needs of our stakeholders
For a better built environment 5 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ObjectivesStrategiesStrategic OutcomesProject Description Improve stakeholder relations and create partnerships to improve service delivery Brand developmentIncreased brand profileBranding PartneringEnhanced/ extended capacity Extended capacity Information and knowledge management Improved stakeholder communications Knowledge management Intelligence availability Quality managementImproved process and product quality Quality management
For a better built environment 6 ObjectiveStrategiesStrategic OutcomesProject Description Intervene in improving the performance of the skills delivery pipeline Enhance attractiveness and accessibility of the BE professions Increased inflow into/uptake of the BE professions Career awareness Bursary scheme Facilitate reduction of wastage in the higher education system Reduced wastage in the higher education system JIPSA projects Facilitate access to experiential training opportunities Increased intake of graduates Academy/ESDA/ mentorship Facilitate professional registration Increased professional registration Streamlined registration programme Facilitate continuous professional development Improvement quality of professionals CPD
For a better built environment 7 ObjectiveStrategiesStrategic OutcomesProject Development Transform and consolidate the regulatory, institutional and structural framework regulating the functioning of the CBE and the professional councils Review, develop and implement a new legislative framework New legislationInstitutional development Develop and implement a new institutional model New institutional model Develop and implement a new operational model New operational model Develop and implement a new funding model New funding model Develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation system An integrated institutional performance management system Facilitate demographic representation in the BE professions Improved demographic representationTransformation
For a better built environment 8 ObjectiveStrategiesStrategic OutcomesProject Description Ensure an effective and efficient public protection regime Review legislative provisions relating to tribunals and appeals Improved tribunals and appeal provisions Public protection Develop and implement improved tribunal and appeal processes More efficient tribunal and appeal process Develop partnerships and participate in the safety, health and environment landscape Understanding of and improved influence in the safety, health and environment landscape SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Develop and implement monitoring and reporting systems Regular reporting and advice on issues relating to safety, health and environment
For a better built environment 9 ObjectiveStrategiesStrategic OutcomesProject Description Ensure the alignment of the activities of the CBE and the BE professional councils with national imperatives and initiatives Create forums for the built environment professionals to participate in national initiatives and align with national imperatives Alignment CBE professional councils and professionals Participate in national and departmental initiatives Participation in DPW initiated activities
For a better built environment 10 PROGRAMMES Project TitleProject ObjectivesProject BenefitsOutcome IndicatorsTimeframe Institutional Consolidation Consolidate the institutional, structural and regulatory framework Transform the governance structures of the built professions Develop an effective legal framework Creating a sustainable built environment A transformed business model Aligned service delivery Resource maximisation Capacity development Creating an enabling policy environment Stabilised and developed research capacity for standards and codes of practice A single register of professionals Consolidated structures Streamlines processes Strategic alignment of the councils Financially sound built environment professional body Single register of professions Proper governance structures and procedures March 2009 Improve delivery on the CBE mandate Elevation of the BE profession Protection of the public Proper management of performance Adequate capacity to ensure delivery Efficient and effective performance management system September 2008
For a better built environment 11 Project TitleProject ActivitiesProject BenefitsOutcome IndicatorsTimeframes SHEQ and Regulation Management Programmes Create an effective public protection regime Promote ethics among BE professions Provide recourse for the public To standardise norms and guidelines Promote SHE practices by BE professions An effective public protection regime Uniform application of norms and guidelines by all Improved quality of service by professionals Sustainable BE professions Improved integrity of the professions Committee’s ability to expedite an appeal within its statutory timeframes Improved turnaround times in by tribunals within the professional councils March 2009 Developed norms and guidelines that have been benchmarked internationally Forums to create public awareness on BE norms and guidelines that underpin the work of BEP CBE’s Appeals Committee to conduct appeals in a fair and transparent manner within expected timeframes Develop Policy Frameworks March 2009
For a better built environment 12 Project TitleProject ObjectivesProject BenefitsOutcome IndicatorsTimeframes HR ProgrammeEnsure adequate human resource capacity for the CBE Facilitate capacity building for the professional councils Contribute to uptake of unemployed graduates To align with national initiatives Improved service delivery by the CBE Improved delivery by professional councils Reduced unemployment Integrated and sustainable service delivery Improved in advice to the Minister on matters relating to the BE March 2009 BE Transformation Programme To facilitate demographic representation within the BE industry To monitor the role played by the BE professionals To promote and maintain a sustainable built environment and natural environment Programmes that encourage demographic representation Report on bottlenecks on professional registration with professional councils Report of the state of the BE professions in SA to guide policy development in the BE assess opportunities and be used as a tool to guide state of affairs within the BE industry Increased demographic representation within the BE professions Increase in the HDI in the BE profession March 2009 September 2008 State of the BE profession report
For a better built environment 13 Project TitleProject ObjectivesProject BenefitsOutcome IndicatorsTimeframe Strategic Stakeholder Relations To position the CBE as a strategic player in the country’s development agenda To facilitate interaction and dialogue among the BE professionals To facilitate interaction between CBE, BEP, Government and stakeholders To ensure quality service to CBE customers To promote the role of the built environment profession among stakeholders and general public To position CBE as information hub on BEP matters Promote the CBE brand Creation of debate on pertinent topics impacting on the BE professions Providing the requisite leadership to endure that the BEPs play their rightful role in supporting the country’s national objectives Position the CBE to play its rightful role in providing leadership in the BE profession Position the BE to influence policy and legislation Greater alignment in the work of the BEPs CBE – Council Communication Forum Strategic Stakeholder Forums Strategic media interventions/programmes Brand Management Programme Annual Customer Relationship Survey Formal agreements (MoU/MoA) with relevant partners Development of common norms and standards regarding accreditation March 2009
For a better built environment 14 Project TitleProject ObjectivesProject BenefitsOutcome IndicatorsTimeframe National skills delivery pipeline To facilitate creation and maintenance of contemporaneous skills portfolio in the built environment in SA To enhance skill a knowledge acquisition among the BE graduates To contribute to the creation of skills to meet the market demands in the BE To facilitate adequate supply of new entrance into the BE professions Improved HR to meet the economic growth demands in the country Reduction of skills shortages in the BE professions Improved supply of BE professionals Increased uptake of BE career by students Improved access and development of new entrance Identified issues from the Skills Audit Report Internship/mentorship programmes Agreements with stakeholders that can offer vacation work to students at tertiary institutions Implementation of the Continuing Professional Development Policy Framework Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning Framework (RPL) Establish a bursary fund Schools Programme International benchmark – exchange programme/bilateral agreement with CBE equivalent March 2009
For a better built environment 15 SACAP ObjectivesNational Strategic IntentStrategic OutcomesKey DeliverablesTimeframe
For a better built environment 16 ECSA MandateNational Strategic IntentECSA MandateKey DeliverablesTimeframe Act, Act 46 of 2000 Promote engineering capacity in the interest of sustainable national development, in order to : Stimulate economic growth and competitiveness; Develop infrastructure and delivery of services; Ensure effectiveness of investment in the economy Register professional and specified categories by means of peer judgement Identification of work; discipline, continuing professional development; accreditation; setting standards Recognise voluntary associations Promote the profession Formulate and approve policies and practices for the regulation of the engineering profession in SA Codes of conduct and practice Improve processes for registration Set standards of professional competence Evaluate and accredit academic engineering programmes Create an enabling environment for the development and training of PDIs by industry, educational institutions Influence national policy in relation to engineering
For a better built environment 17 MandateNational Strategic IntentECSA MandateKey DeliverablesTimeframe BEE Act 2000 Empower PDIsECSA to comply Collaborative leadership in respect of the development of BEE characters BEE policy Compliance with scorecard Equity related legislation Basic conditions of employment Employment equity Skills development Redressing the imbalances of the past ECSA must complyBasic conditions of employment Workplace skills plan State of the Nation Address Development of the 2 nd economy to better link with the 1 st economy Promoting broad participation by all citizens Ensuring standards Facilitation of Council’s stated objectives in promoting delivery at local authority level Increased number of registered persons in all categories Implementation of identification of work Disciplinary sanctions Constitutio n Promotion of rights of individuals and groups in the following areas; education and health Ensure alignment with constitution E nsure existence of and access to engineering education Policies and processes must be aligned to the constitution Ensure engineering curricula are aligned to constitution and national imperatives
For a better built environment 18 ObjectivesNational Strategic IntentStrategic OutcomesKey DeliverablesTimeframe Increase the sundry revenue by 20% 2007/08 Financial Year Increase the number of professionals Pursue international research/alliance with valuation regulatory entities Reach out to all stakeholders Capacitate the council’s delivery mechanism to support service delivery SACPVP
For a better built environment 19 SACLAP ObjectivesNational Strategic IntentStrategic OutcomesKey DeliverablesTimeframe
For a better built environment 20 SACQSP ObjectivesNational Strategic IntentStrategic OutcomesKey DeliverablesTimeframe
For a better built environment 21 CBE STRATEGY MAP AND CORPORATE SCORECARD Transformation LegislationGovernance Professional Development Programme Capacity Building HR QMS R&D Finance & admin IMM&C Research Agenda Structures & Models Thought Leadership Sustainable Funding Targeted spending Govt support New revenue sources Stakeholder relationships Built Environment performance
For a better built environment 22 Through leadership of the BE professions, facilitate integrated development whilst promoting efficiency & effectiveness Through leadership of the BE professions, facilitate integrated development whilst promoting efficiency & effectiveness To provide sustainable built environment professions, servicing the public & national interest To provide sustainable built environment professions, servicing the public & national interest Customer/ Stakeholder relationships Development and Innovation People Financial performance Processes and Systems Improve stakeholder relations Ensure alignment with BE Prof. Councils Ensure public protection regime SRM system Adequate capacity to deliver Sustainable supplier relations Partnerships Thought leadership Transform & consolidate regulatory framework Intervene in improving performance of Skills Development pipeline R&D capability Research agenda New institutional model Enabling legislation Motivated & competent people Effective HRM processes Effective leadership Team based participative culture Strong governance processes Efficient & effective internal processes to deliver customer value Effective data management Risk management QMS in place Clearly defined governance roles & structures Continuous improvement process Financial viability & sustainability Increase revenue base Effective use of funds Productivity & cost control Compliance with PFMA
For a better built environment 23 Customer/ Stakeholder relationships Development and Innovation People Processes and Systems Financial performance Stakeholder satisfaction (>75%) Complaints resolution (<10%) Responsiveness to queries (2 days) Preferred supplier list, value ranking & selection criteria # partnerships established 10 Research topics Current vs new (50:50) # New products, services, knowledge developed Research papers published (2) Keynote speaker appearances (2) Projects related to D&I (2) Staff satisfaction index (>75%) Organisational analysis (+3) PDPs executed (100%) Training expense % of staff costs (5%) Staff retention (90% of 4/5’s Absenteeism (<4%) Process compliance (on time, within policy) Compliance with quality standards (<10% rejection rate) Accuracy of data (<1%) Revenue base increase (5%) Levy collection (100%) Cost containment (3%) Reserve fund (50% of revenue increase into fund) Branding Extended capacity Public protection SHE (safety, etc) Create forums for BE councils Participate in national/department initiatives Knowledge management Career awareness Bursary scheme JIPSA projects Academy/mentorship Streamlined registration programme Institutional development Transformation HR programme (external) HR programme (internal) Quality management Financial programme
For a better built environment 24 SACPCMP The following mandated and business support programmes are identified to successfully carry out the statutory mandate of the Council. MandateProgrammesProjects and ActivitiesTimeframe Develop and maintain a national register RegistrationsCouncil Examinations Assessments of applications Conduct assessment of Professional competency interviews Determine registration criteria or competency standards Prescribe application form and rules Determining and recognition of prior learning (RPL system) IDoWDetermine competencies Recommended identified work for the Professions and the specified category CPDDevelop and determine CPD Framework Implementation of CPD Improvement/innovation for the standards rendered by Professionals Professional conductDetermine and prescribe a code of conduct Develop disciplinary structures Professional FeesPrinciples for determination of fees Annual guideline professional fees for CM and CMP
For a better built environment 25 MandateProgrammesProjects and ActivitiesTimeframe EducationQuality assurance Develop a programme accreditation programme CHE MoU Interim CIOB MoU Conduct visits to training institutions International recognition Forge links with the existing standards generating body (SGB) standards for CM, CPM and specified category ResearchConduct research in the CM and Develop and determine CPM fields Research statistics with the employer bodies Voluntary Associations Recognition of VA Develop policy for recognition of Voluntary Associations Develop and prescribe a certificate GovernanceCouncil appointments Nominations procedures Meetings (Council and committee) Code of conduct for Council members and committee members
For a better built environment 26 BUDGET The summarised budget detailed below is derived from expected operational, salary and programming expenditures, which are informed by the detail project activities listed below. All the expenditures are based on a zero basis in support of the new dynamic strategy adopted by the CBE. 2008/092009/102010/11 R’000 Expected Expenditure 28,46332,73337,643 Staff Costs 6,7977,8178,989 Administrative Costs 6,3317,2818,373 Programming Costs 15,33517,63520,280
For a better built environment 27 Levy income is estimated levies charged from professional councils. The levy is estimated as follows: 2008/092009/102010/11 R’000 Income28,46332,73237,643 Government Grant26,28630,22934,764 Estimated Levy2,1772,5042,879
For a better built environment 28 SACPCMP INCOME BASED ON ANNUAL FEES ONLY 1.Candidates 2.Professionals (749 x 639) (2288 x 1278) (880 x 639) (3300 x 1278) (1100 x 639) (4200 x 1278) INCOME (ANNUAL FEES)FY 2008/09FY 2009/10FY 2010/11 1.Candidates (refer above) 2.Professionals (refer above) 478, 611 2, 924, 064 562, 320 4,217,400 702,900 5,367,600 TOTAL3,402,6754,779,7206,070,500 EXPENDITURE 1.Registration 2.IDoW 3.CPD 4.Professional Conduct 5.Professional Fees 6.Programme Accreditation 7.Promoting the Profession 8.Voluntary Associations 9.Governance 10.Administration 11.IT Infrastructure 12.Management Practices 13.Public Relations 1,617,000 70,000 137,000 300,000 113,000 250,000 100,000 6,000 700,400 4,084,080 1,148,600 160,000 480,000 929,000 0 200,000 0 20,000 230,000 530,000 76,000 774,400 4,944,288 531,500 110,000 380,000 344,000 30,000 50,000 300,000 20,000 0 530,000 6,000 588,400 5,467,514 323,000 10,000 260,000 TOTAL9,166,0808,725,1887,928,914 Surplus/Deficit-5,763,405-3,945,468-1,858,414
For a better built environment 29 CHALLENGES Transformation of the built environment sector Lack of synergy between the CBE and professional councils Inadequate funding Poor achievements of set mandates Inadequate protection of public
For a better built environment 30 CONCLUSIONS Still lot of challenges in the built environment Many opportunities for growth and significant impact on the economy The need for the CBE and PC’s to work much closer together
For a better built environment 31 Q & A
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