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Diet & Nutrition. Five food groups  The five food groups consist of:  Breads & Cereals  Fruit & Vegetables  Meat/Poultry/Fish  Dairy Products  Fats.

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Presentation on theme: "Diet & Nutrition. Five food groups  The five food groups consist of:  Breads & Cereals  Fruit & Vegetables  Meat/Poultry/Fish  Dairy Products  Fats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diet & Nutrition

2 Five food groups  The five food groups consist of:  Breads & Cereals  Fruit & Vegetables  Meat/Poultry/Fish  Dairy Products  Fats & Oils

3 Nutrients  Nutrients  are the substances of food that help the body work properly. They consist of:  Proteins  Carbohydrates  Fats  Vitamins  Calcium  Iron  Fibre  Water

4 Carbohydrates  Carbohydrates are basic nutrients that supply us with energy Easily converted to energy (glucose) Complex carbohydrates  Provide sustained energy source  Starches stored as glycogen for sudden energy needs  Found in grains, green leafy and yellow fruits and vegetables, beans and potatoes Simple carbohydrates  Glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, galactose  Found in fruits, honey, milk

5 Fats  Fats  Basic nutrient composed of carbon & hydrogen Excess calories are stored as 95% of total body fat The other 5% is cholesterol

6 Protein  Protein  the second-most abundant substance in the human body Necessary for development and repair of:  Bone  Muscle  Skin  Blood Aid antibody production & hormone formation Aid transport of iron, oxygen and nutrients Supply energy after body has used carbohydrate and fat

7 Vitamins  Vitamins are essential organic compounds that promote growth and reproduction and help maintain life and health Help maintain nerves and skin Produce blood cells Build bones and teeth Heal wounds Convert food energy to body energy Do not contain calories

8 Calcium  Calcium Most Americans do not consume enough calcium per day  1200 mg recommended Plays a vital role in  Building strong bones and teeth  Muscle contraction  Regulating heartbeat and fluid balance within cells Sources include dairy products, fortified orange juice, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and beans Phosphoric acid in soft drinks lowers calcium levels Stress can lower calcium levels Aid calcium absorption by getting sun (increasing vitamin D in body) and consuming foods containing vitamin C

9 Iron Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency  Anemia results  Inability to produce oxygen-carrying hemoglobin 10 mg/day for men, 18 mg/day for women Sources are beef, fish, poultry, eggs, peas and nuts

10 Fibre  Two forms: soluble and insoluble  Soluble fiber  Found in oat bran, dried beans, fruits/vegetables  Lowers blood cholesterol levels  Insoluble fiber  Found in bran, whole-grains, fruits/vegetables  Aids digestion Benefits of fibre  Protection against colon and rectal cancer  Protection against breast cancer  Protection against constipation  Protection against heart disease  Protection against diabetes  Protection against obesity

11 Water  Water  the most essential nutrient (50-60% of body weight) Bathes cells Aids fluid and electrolyte balance Maintains pH balance Transports molecules and cells Major component of blood  How much water is enough? 6-8 glasses = 64 oz. Water in food, too Urine should be clear, light or bright yellow Dark yellow urine is a sign of dehydration

12 Minerals  Sodium Regulates blood and body fluids Regulates transmission of nerve impulses Regulates heart activity Regulates certain metabolic functions Only 500-1000 mg needed per day  Average American consumes 6000-12000 mg  Many packaged foods contain 100% or more of recommended daily allowance per serving Excessive amounts may lead to hypertension and may increase loss of calcium in urine

13 Trace Minerals  Others Zinc—meats, fish, poultry, grains, vegetables Manganese—most foods Copper—meats, drinking water Iodine—iodized salt, seafood

14 Dietary Guidelines  Alcohol in moderation 1-2 drinks per day Linked to higher levels of HDL More than 1-2 drinks increases risk of serious health problems  Limit hydrogenated polyunsaturated fats Margarine and shortening  Supplements are no substitute for food variety  Use sugar and salt sparingly  Weight should not increase with age

15 Determining Nutritional Needs  Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) Average daily intakes of energy and nutrients considered adequate to meet the needs of most healthy people % Daily Values represent nutrient needs of the typical consumer  2 reference values  Reference Daily Intake reflects average daily allowances for proteins, vitamins, and minerals  Daily Reference Values reflect nutrients with no established RDA, such as fiber and fat, but correlate with health

16 “What Does Science Say You Should Eat?”  “…44 million people are clinically obese compared with 30 million a decade ago.”  Eating Plan: Featuring abundant fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, chicken, and vegetable oils.

17  “I call it “the Snack well revolution”.  “The problem with overeating refined carbohydrates such as white flour and sucrose (table sugar) is that amylase, an enzyme, quickly converts them into the simple sugar called glucose. That goads up the pancreas to overproduce insulin, the substance that conducts glucose into the cells.” Problems?  Syndrome X (Coined by Gerald Reaven) and involves the health problems associated with insulin resistance.  Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, non-alcoholic-type liver disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, cancer

18 Willett’s Plan  “Good carb, good fat.”  “…eating vegetables in abundance, consuming alcohol in moderation, and taking a daily multivitamin to coyer nutritional gaps.”  Problems with the food guide pyramid?  Eat Eggs- Eat fish Article 13: “What Does Science Say You Should Eat?” Brad Lemley

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