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{ Students With Vision Impairments An Inclusive Classroom Presentation by Joy Zukerman.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Students With Vision Impairments An Inclusive Classroom Presentation by Joy Zukerman."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Students With Vision Impairments An Inclusive Classroom Presentation by Joy Zukerman

2 Purpose:   Inform: students about class mates who are blind or visually impaired   Educate: students with sight about vision impairment   Confidence: self efficacy of students with a visually impairment   Graduate: from the M.Ed. Program, University of British Columbia Introduction

3   Students - Kindergarten through Grade 6   University of British Colombia - Master of Education Cohort Audience

4 To encourage students to connect to experiences of others in an effort to develop a common knowledge of a shared democratic consciousness through empathy, self awareness, and a collaborative existence for the benefit of society. Topic’s Importance

5 What do we mean by inclusion? Inclusion

6   Affective   Behavioural   Cognitive Current Research and Issues

7 { Presentation Elementary K-6 Vision In-Service

8 What does vision mean and why is it important to you?

9 What would it mean to you if you were blind?

10  Being born with vision loss or blindness.  Due to an accident, illness or disease. How can a person loose their vision?

11 First Person Narrative

12  What does it mean to be a student with a vision impairment or blindness? My story…

13 Christopher Duffley

14 Blind Beginnings

15   Use a white cane.   May have a seeing eye dog. How do you know someone is blind or has a visual impairment?

16 Can someone who is blind …   read a book   write a short story   know colours   solve math problems   walk to school   play ball games at recess or in gym class I wonder…

17 Helen Keller (1880-1968)

18 Braille

19 Louis Braille (1809-1852)

20 Braille Code

21 Perkins Brailler Mountbatten

22 BrailleNote

23 How can you understand colours if you can not see them?

24 Mathematical Aides

25 White Cane

26 Why?   For protection How?   Ask if assistance is required.   Offering help. Sight Guide Technique

27   Hold onto the elbow or rest hand on a shoulder.   Guide walks a step or two ahead.   Navigating narrow passages. Sight Guide Technique

28   Sitting in a chair   Stairs   Ending sighted guide Sight Guide Technique

29 Demonstration

30 Ball Games: Goalball

31   Keep your class clutter free.   Put things you use away where they belong.   Pick up any items from the floor.   Push in your chair.   Your classmate needs more room for their learning supplies. Did you know…

32 Activities

33 The Braille Code The alphabet in Braille. Braille your name. Follow the Braille trail. Center 1

34 {{ Louis Braille Louis Braille Museum Helen Keller Helen Keller Museum Games Games Center 2: Websites

35 Games Feeling Bag Ball toss Center 3

36 Books Braille books Braille text books Book in a box Center 4

37 Sensory art activity Center 5

38 Cool School Tools Talking Calculator Braille Metre Stick Slate and Stylus Monocular CCTV Center 6

39   What are three important things you learned today?   Final thoughts. Conclusion

40   End of In-Service Presentation

41  Consult with classroom teachers  Include the Orientation and Mobility Instructor and the Educational Assistant  Collaborate with the student co-presenter  Confer with parents and administration Recommendations

42 The Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Kids’ Quest, Vision Impairment: Braille Bug: NCBI: Teaching Visually Impaired Students: Hellen Keller: Classroom Strategies for Teachers: Classroom Teacher Resource: Resources

43 Biklen, D. (1992). Schooling without labels: Parents, Educators, and inclusive education. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Retrieved from Davis, P., & Hopwood, V. (2002). Inclusion for children with visual impairment in the mainstream primary classroom. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 30:1, 41-46, doi: 10.1080/03004270285200091 Koster, M., Nakken, H., Pijl, S., & Van Houten, E. (2009). Being part of the peer group: A literature study focusing on the social dimension of inclusion in education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13:2, 117-140, doi: 10.1080/13603110701284680 Schiff, J. (2009). Inclusion and the cultivation of responsiveness. The Good Society, 18:1, 63-69, doi: 10.1353/gso.0.0067 Pija, S.J., Skaalvik, E. M., Skaalvik, S. (2010). Students with special needs and the composition of their peer group. Irish Educational Studies, 29:1, 57-70, doi: 10.1080/03323310903522693 Wong, D. K. (2008). Do contacts make a difference? The effects of mainstreaming on student attitudes toward people with disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 29, 70-82, doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2006.11.002 References

44 Thank you

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