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Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities Education, Employment and Careers in the Geosciences Marcus E. Milling American Geological Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities Education, Employment and Careers in the Geosciences Marcus E. Milling American Geological Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities Education, Employment and Careers in the Geosciences Marcus E. Milling American Geological Institute

2 Forces Impacting the Geosciences Changing Trends in the 21st Century Emerging New Global Opportunities Restructuring of Federal R&D Enterprise Corporate Mergers and Downsizing Future Demand for Natural Resources New Science Education Standards Environmental Ethic Professional Career Mobilization

3 US Geoscience Employment AGI Demographic Survey 1986 Academic 7% Government 12% Petroleum 50% Mining 9% Environmental 7% Retired/Unemployed 10% Other 5% Total Population 120,000

4 US Geoscience Employment NSF National Survey of College Graduates 1993 Petroleum 34% Mining 7% Environment 12% Government 12% Retired/Unemployed 23% Academic 11% Total Population 125,000

5 US Geoscience Student Enrollment Undergraduate and Graduate Levels 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 1955‘60‘65‘70‘75‘80‘85‘90‘952000 Undergraduate Graduate Students Year AGI, 1999

6 Total Degrees in Geoscience 1973-1998 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 1970‘75‘80‘85‘90‘95 2000 Year AGI, 1999 BS MS PhD

7 Leading Geoscience Departments Ranked by Theses & Dissertations Awarded InstitutionMA/MS PhDTotal Stanford University 710 8841554 University of Texas at Austin 1128 3581486 University of Wisconsin at Madison 750 6061356 University of Arizona 599 7131312 University of California at Berkeley 651 5371230 Pennsylvania State University 425 7801205 University of Oklahoma 929 1641093 University of Michigan 615 4011016 University of Illinois 530 4831013 AGI 1991

8 Female Geoscience Enrollment and Degrees 1974-1996 15 20 25 30 35 40 1974 1980 1985 19901996 Year Percent Female Enrolled Graduates AGI, 1997 1980 Degrees 2061 Enrollment 9498 1996 Degrees 2314 Enrollment 11697

9 Geoscience Graduate Employment Trends North America, 1997 Petroleum 17% Environmental 46% Academic 7% Government 10% Non-geology 17% Mining 3% AAPG, 1997 Total Population 2100

10 Geoscience Professional Society Membership 0 10 20 30 40 50 1960‘65‘70‘75‘80‘85‘90‘952000 AAPG GSA SEG AGU Membership in Thousands AGI 1997 Year

11 Petroleum Geoscientist Demand Geologists, Geophysicists, and Engineers 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 199520002005201020152020 Year Petroleum Geoscientists (Thousands) New Entries (3% Growth) Current Workforce Total Workforce Demand ??

12 Geoscience Theses & Dissertation Topics 1950s vs 1980s 01000200030004000500060007000 Environmental/Hydro Economic Geology Geochemistry Geophysics Igneous/Metamorphic Stratigraphy/Paleo Sedimentary Geology Structure/Tectonics Other Number of Theses and Dissertations 1950-59 1980-89 AGI 1991

13 Geoscience Faculty Specialties 1970-1997 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Environmental Petrology Structure Economic Geochemistry Geophysics Paleontology Oceanography General Number of Faculty Reporting Year# of Depts 1970 698 1980 704 1990 887 1997 915 AGI 1997

14 Future Geoscience Applications Meeting Needs of Society Sustain Supply of Quality Water Resources Provide New Sources of Oil, Gas, and other Energy Sources and Minerals Prediction of Global Climate to Minimize Effects Mitigation of Environmental Hazards Improved Prediction of Natural Hazards

15 Geoscience Employment Criteria 21st Century Recruiting Targets Team Player Advanced Geoscience Degree Special Technology Skills Generalist and Problem Solver Strong Communication Skills Mobile, Willing to Work Worldwide Cultural Flexibility and Diversity

16 The Challenge of Change Petroleum downturn like no other Mature declining environmental sector Re-invented scaled-down federal sectors Faculty shortage that never came So where are the opportunities?

17 Making Our Own Opportunities Rebuild investment in geoscience research Increasing global demand for natural resources K-12 teaching becomes a viable alternative Land-use planning and geotechnical needs Improved Geoindustries-Academic Communications

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