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A. The Destruction of the Old Regime (Monarchy) and the creation of the Rights of Man! 1.The new National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "A. The Destruction of the Old Regime (Monarchy) and the creation of the Rights of Man! 1.The new National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. The Destruction of the Old Regime (Monarchy) and the creation of the Rights of Man! 1.The new National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. - inspired by the American Declaration of Independence, - affirmed French people’s EQUAL rights as humans: A. All citizens were to take part in law making – freedom of speech and press were allowed. Should this also include women at the time??


3 2. Olympe de Gouges refused to accept the exclusion of women – insisted women have the same rights as men – National Assembly ignored her demands  B. The King Concedes.. 1. The angry crowds insisted the royal family return to Paris to show support of the National Assembly. – family does journey to Paris – where they become prisoners..



6 C. Rise of the Paris Commune: 1. Radical political groups declaring themselves a commune – organized a mob to attack the royal palace - took the king captive – The French Revolution was about to become more radical and violent – many members proudly called themselves “sans-culottes” – or ordinary patriots without fine clothes




10 Section 2 – A Radical Revolution I.Move to Radicalism: 1.The Paris Commune is led by Georges Danton – a sans-culotte who wanted revenge on anyone who had tried to help the king when he was taken prisoner. 2.This would lead to THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE arrested and then massacred!! – Other radical leaders emerged such as Jean-Paul Marat

11 II. The fate of the king..  1.The new Convention now was holding session- – most of the men there were young, angry, educated and wanted to get rid of the monarchy for good 2.Pass a decree ordering Louis to death by beheading. How do you think other nations will react to this??

12 Write this in your notes





17 Oh Nooooooo!!!! 1.Outraged royalty all over Europe! – Countries such as Spain, Portugal, Britain took arms up against France and Planned to invade!

18 A. The Reign of Terror… For almost a year during the revolution, the Committee of Pubic Safety took control – to meet the crisis at home – set in motion something called the Reign of Terror.. 1. During this time, revolutionary courts were set up to prosecute French people who were thought to be enemies of their new Republic – close to 40,000 people were killed!

19 Write this in your notes 1.Committee of Public safety was first dominated by Maximillian Robespierre. 2.The goal was to protect France from “domestic threats” - such as French cities who didn’t agree with the Committee3’s goal. 3.Made an example of the city of Lyon

20 4. 1800 citizens of Lyon were executed – churches burned, houses burned – people from all classes were killed..



23 Of those people, Marie Antoinette and Olympe de Gouges died under the blade of the Guillotine – most of these executions were held in public





28 B. Crushing the Rebellion.. 1.Revolutionary armies were even set up to bring rebellious cities under the control of the National Convention. Sooo.. They decided to make an example of the city of Lyon! – 1800 citizens of the city were executed! 2.When the guillotine was too slow –they used clusters of iron balls to shoot the people into their own graves!

29 3. Most notorious act of violence happened in the Nantes – where victims were executed by being sunk in barges in the river. Basically – people from all classes were killed in the Reign of Terror – the leaders of the Committee, however, told everyone all of this would soon end and that the “Republic of Virtue” would take over…

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