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Guitariffic fake sheets for real people Ryszard Kilarski

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Presentation on theme: "Guitariffic fake sheets for real people Ryszard Kilarski"— Presentation transcript:

1 guitariffic fake sheets for real people Ryszard Kilarski

2 Guitar Fake Sheets Guitariffic lets you build guitar fake sheets. A fake sheet is a (paper) document that helps you play a song. It contains: – Song and artist name – Lyrics area Chord shorthand (“Dm”, “C#”) Lyric labels (“Chorus”, “Refrain”) Lyric text – Guitar charts

3 Chord Charts Guitariffic gives you: Ability to add, edit, and delete chord charts Search chord charts

4 Songs In Guitariffic, you can: Add/edit/delete song Specify song and artist name Add/edit lyrics (chords, labels, etc) Drag & drop chord charts When loading songs, search for your song or artist Print!

5 Bonus Cool Stuff When you enter an artist name, watch the application background. You also have the ability to reset database. Future: Ability to import/export chord database and song database, a better print stylesheet, and various other functionality.

6 Some Technical Details HTML5/CSS3 - For structure and styling. jQuery - For all DOM interactions. jQuery UI - For dialog and drag&drop between lists in the chord area. Drag&Drop - For drag&drop from the chord tray to the chord area. AJAX/XML - To load the initial chord list from an XML file. AJAX/JSON - To communicate with Flickr. canvas - Each chord chart is drawn by a generated canvas element. indexedDB - For local storage of chords and songs in JSON format.

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