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Bayesian Nets and Applications. Naïve Bayes 2  What happens if we have more than one piece of evidence?  If we can assume conditional independence 

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Presentation on theme: "Bayesian Nets and Applications. Naïve Bayes 2  What happens if we have more than one piece of evidence?  If we can assume conditional independence "— Presentation transcript:

1 Bayesian Nets and Applications

2 Naïve Bayes 2  What happens if we have more than one piece of evidence?  If we can assume conditional independence  Overslept and trafficjam are independent, given late  A and B are conditionally independent given C just in case B doesn't tell us anything about A if we already know C:  P(late|overslept Λ trafficjam) = α P(overslept Λ trafficjam)|late)P(late) = α P(overslept)|late)P(trafficjam|late)P(late)  Na ï ve Bayes where a single cause directly influences a number of effects, all conditionally independent  Independence often assumed even when not so

3 Bayesian Networks 3  A directed acyclic graph in which each node is annotated with quantitative probability information  A set of random variables makes up the network nodes  A set of directed links connects pairs of nodes. If there is an arrow from node X to node Y, X is a parent of Y  Each node X i has a conditional probability distributionP(X i |Parents(X i ) that quantifies the effect of the parents on the node

4 Example 4  Topology of network encodes conditional independence assumptions

5 5 Smart Good test taker Understands material Hard working Exam GradeHomework Grade

6 6 Smart Good test taker Understands material Hard working Exam GradeHomework Grade Smart TrueFalse.5 Hard Working TrueFalse.7.3 SGood Test Taker TrueFalse True.75.25 False.25.75 SHWUM TrueFalse True.95.05 TrueFalse.6.4 FalseTrue.6.4 False.2.8

7 Conditional Probability Tables Smart TrueFalse.5 Hard Working TrueFalse.7.3 SGood Test Taker TrueFalse True.75.25 False.25.75 SHWUM TrueFalse True.95.05 TrueFalse.6.4 FalseTrue.6.4 False.2.8 7 GTTUMExam Grade ABCDF True. TrueFalse. FalseTrue. False. Homework Grade UMABCDF True. False.

8 Compactness 8  A CPT for Boolean X i with k Boolean parents has 2 k rows for the combinations of parent values  Each row requires one number p for X i =true (the number for X i =false is just 1-p)  If each variable has no more than k parents, the complete network requires O(nx2 k ) numbers  Grows linearly with n vs O(2 n ) for the full joint distribution  Student net: 1+1+2+2+5+5=11 numbers (vs. 26-1)=31

9 Conditional Probability 9

10 Global Semantics/Evaluation  Global semantics defines the full joint distribution as the product of the local conditional distributions: P(x 1,…,x n )=∏ i n =1 P(x i | Parents(X i )) e.g.,  P(EG=A Λ GT Λ ⌐ UM Λ S Λ HW) 10

11 Global Semantics  Global semantics defines the full joint distribution as the product of the local conditional distributions: P(X 1,…,X n )=∏ i n =1 P(X i |Parents(X i )) e.g., Observations:S, HW, not UM, will I get an A?  P(EG=A Λ GT Λ ⌐ UM Λ S Λ HW) = P(EG=A|GT Λ ⌐ UM)*P(GT|S)*P( ⌐ UM |HW Λ S)*P(S)*P(HW) 11

12 Conditional Independence and Network Structure 12  The graphical structure of a Bayesian network forces certain conditional independences to hold regardless of the CPTs.  This can be determined by the d-separation criteria

13 13 a b c a b c b a c Linear Converging Diverging

14 D-separation (opposite of d-connecting) 14  A path from q to r is d-connecting with respect to the evidence nodes E if every interior node n in the path has the property that either  It is linear or diverging and is not a member of E  It is converging and either n or one of its decendents is in E  If a path is not d-connecting (is d-separated), the nodes are conditionally independent given E

15 15 Smart Good test taker Understands material Hard working Exam GradeHomework Grade

16 16  S and EG are not independent given GTT  S and HG are independent given UM

17 Medical Application of Bayesian Networks: Pathfinder

18 Pathfinder 18  Domain: hematopathology diagnosis  Microscopic interpretation of lymph-node biopsies  Given: 100s of histologic features appearing in lymph node sections  Goal: identify disease type malignant or benign  Difficult for physicians

19 Pathfinder System 19  Bayesian Net implementation  Reasons about 60 malignant and benign diseases of the lymph node  Considers evidence about status of up to 100 morphological features presenting in lymph node tissue  Contains 105,000 subjectively-derived probabilities

20 20

21 Commercialization 21  Intellipath  Integrates with videodisc libraries of histopathology slides  Pathologists working with the system make significantly more correct diagnoses than those working without  Several hundred commercial systems in place worldwide

22 22 Sequential Diagnosis

23 Features 23  Structured into a set of 2-10 mutually exclusive values  Pseudofollicularity  Absent, slight, moderate, prominent  Represent evidence provided by a feature as F 1,F 2, … F n

24 Value of information 24  User enters findings from microscopic analysis of tissue  Probabilistic reasoner assigns level of belief to different diagnoses  Value of information determines which tests to perform next  Full disease utility model making use of life and death decision making  Cost of tests  Cost of misdiagnoses

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27 Group Discrimination Strategy 27  Select questions based on their ability to discriminate between disease classes  For given differential diagnosis, select most specific level of hierarchy and selects questions to discriminate among groups  Less efficient  Larger number of questions asked

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30 Other Bayesian Net Applications 30  Lumiere – Who knows what it is?

31 Other Bayesian Net Applications 31  Lumiere  Single most widely distributed application of BN  Microsoft Office Assistant  Infer a user’s goals and needs using evidence about user background, actions and queries  VISTA  Help NASA engineers in round-the-clock monitoring of each of the Space Shuttle’s orbiters subsystem  Time critical, high impact  Interpret telemetry and provide advice about likely failures  Direct engineers to the best information  In use for several years  Microsoft Pregnancy and Child Care  What questions to ask next to diagnose illness of a child

32 Other Bayesian Net Applications 32  Speech Recognition  Text Summarization  Language processing tasks in general

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