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Chapter 10 Review. A few reminders… We are going to QUIZ over Chapter 11 on Thursday Your Chapter 6 – 11 test will count as your midterm exam during the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Review. A few reminders… We are going to QUIZ over Chapter 11 on Thursday Your Chapter 6 – 11 test will count as your midterm exam during the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Review

2 A few reminders… We are going to QUIZ over Chapter 11 on Thursday Your Chapter 6 – 11 test will count as your midterm exam during the exam week of March 18 – 22.

3 Voter Turnout Low in the United States – Why? – On a weekday – NOT a national holiday or on a weekend – Not much of a difference btwn. our political parties – Complicated voter registration (some countries don’t even require a voter reg.)

4 Voter registration Motor Voter Act – allowed you to register to vote when you apply for their driver’s license Was meant to increase registered voters

5 Electoral College Original purpose was to allow the political elite (not the American people) to choose the president Based on a winner-take-all system: 48 of the 50 states give all electoral votes to winner of popular vote in that state The E.C. over represents less populated states – Those states would never want to get rid of E.C.

6 Political Efficacy Belief that your vote or political participation makes a difference The greater your political efficacy, the more likely you are to vote

7 Types of Participation Initiative Petition: obtain signatures to put a measure on the ballot Referendum: voting on a approving or disapproving a piece of legislation or state constitutional amendment State-level reforms

8 Voting behaviors Younger people are more likely to vote for a third-party candidate Those more likely to vote: – Higher levels of education – Older Americans – Females – Married people – Gov’t employees

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