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1 Introduction to the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative 12 July 2007 Africa Recruit.

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1 1 Introduction to the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative 12 July 2007 Africa Recruit

2 2 The mission is pursued through programs and partnerships in 6 areas: Health Security –HIV/AIDS Initiative –Childhood Obesity Initiative Economic Empowerment –Clinton Small Business Initiative (Harlem, Bronx, Brooklyn) Leadership Development and Citizen Service –Clinton Democracy Fellows Racial, Ethnic and Religious Reconciliation Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) The Foundation’s mission is to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence. The Clinton Foundation

3 3 Why HIV/AIDS? “There are over 40 million people who are HIV-positive. It struck me that this was a problem that cried out for organization and entrepreneurial skill. And that for a relatively small amount of money, we could have a huge impact.” -President William J. Clinton AIDS is the greatest public health challenge of our time –25m people have died already, and 40m are living with HIV –Every day, 8,000 more die even though AIDS is treatable –AIDS makes economic development impossible in much of the world

4 4 “…in my experience the Clinton Foundation embodies all that is best in the international response. I’m impressed by how focused they are, how urgent and wondrously instantaneous is their sense of intervention. They waste no time. If you need lower drug prices negotiated, they do it that week. If you need laboratory equipment, they race to put it in place. If you want a memorandum of agreement signed, they have it done in a month instead of a year. If you need technical assistance, they ransack the planet to find the right people. They understand that the pandemic has come down to saving that child, to rescuing that mother’s future, to putting the highest value on individual lives.” -Stephen Lewis – UN AIDS Envoy Why CHAI?

5 5 To be effective, programs must: combine prevention, care, and treatment be integrated into public health infrastructure have strong in-country political and policy support be viewed as an emergency, not as business as usual 1)Mobilize political will (donor and host governments) 2)Combine business and clinical expertise in operational planning and ongoing implementation support 3)Change economics of care and treatment ARV treatment: 2 million people on ARVs by the end of 2008 in partner countries Philosophy Value-Add Goals CHAI works with governments and other partners to increase the availability of high quality AIDS care and treatment for people in need We accomplish this by lowering the cost of treatment, providing technical assistance where it is most needed, and establishing major initiatives to enable widespread access to HIV-related care. CHAI also helps to create systems to improve overall health care in resource poor settings. Mission CHAI Overview

6 6 CHAI has worked with governments and manufacturers to increase access to HIV/AIDS care and treatment 68 total consortium countries = 90%+ of 2m people on treatment 42 UNITAID beneficiaries for peds & 2 nd -line = ~60% of people on treatment

7 7 CHAI aims to rationalize the market – to optimize outcomes for patients – through efforts which bridge supply and demand needs Access Programs Country Operations CHAI Supply (Manufacturers) Demand (National Programs) Marketplace Work with manufacturers: Technical assistance to lower costs Global demand forecasting Regulatory support Work with national programs: Policy and planning Enhancing health system capacity TA on lab management Work bridging supply and demand: Informing global forecasts with info on country protocols and priorities Informing country guidelines with supplier pricing and product trends

8 8 Opportunities PositionLocation(s) Country and Deputy Country Director Zambia, Uganda, West Africa region, Southern Africa region, Dominican Republic, Mozambique, Malawi Program CoordinatorDR Congo, Zambia, Liberia, Roving Malaria Program AnalystNigeria, West Africa region, DR Congo, Liberia, Malawi, Roving Malaria Roving SpecialistsLabs, Operations, Malaria

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