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Course Rep Training 2014/15 (second session) Roz Green-Innes – VP Cardiff Jenny Catherine – Academic Affairs Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Rep Training 2014/15 (second session) Roz Green-Innes – VP Cardiff Jenny Catherine – Academic Affairs Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Rep Training 2014/15 (second session) Roz Green-Innes – VP Cardiff Jenny Catherine – Academic Affairs Coordinator

2 Aims of the session Refresher on your role as a Course Rep Stress the importance of the student voice Teach you about Quality Assurance Help you research and campaign Effective meeting behaviour Inform you of upcoming events

3 Your role: Recap from the first training Gather student feedback Liaise with SVRs/ Course Reps Raise concerns at meetings Follow up points raised Feed back to students Start

4 Think about the topics that may affect students during their studies Name 3 big issues from each category: -course-specific -Faculty-specific -University-wide Issues students can face

5 Student experience Course issues Specialised equipment IT and library Assessment and feedback Academic support Student engagement Quality of teaching Communications

6 Academic staff or Course Leaders for course- specific issues Student Voice Representatives for Faculty- wide issues Students’ Union for advice on campaigning Full-time Elected Officers for extra support Student Council Officers for liberation issues Support services for anything else Who to go to for support?


8 SU President: Carys Rhiannon Thomas SU Vice-President Pontypridd: Ellen Rose Jones SU Vice-President Newport: Drew Burman SU Vice-President Cardiff: Roz Green- Innes Full-time elected officers

9 SU President Chair Student Council Cardiff Atrium Campus OfficerCromwell House campus OfficerSU Vice President CardiffBlack Students OfficerInternational Students OfficerLGBTQ OfficerMature Students Officer Post-Graduate and Part-Time Students Officer Societies OfficerSports OfficerSupported Activities OfficerStudents with disabilities OfficerWelsh Language OfficerWomen’s Officer Carys Rhiannon Thomas Angharad Paget-Jones Chris Legg Vacant Roz Green-Innes Audrey N’Gaba Robin Harper Lucy Morgan Marc Ash Vacant Ruth Miller Vacant Daniel Cantore Vacant Emily Lee Elected officers

10 Your role is vital in ensuring the quality of your degree The student voice should be at the heart of decision-making Course Reps are the first point of contact with students Student Voice Representatives sit on University- level Committees Elected officers represent ALL students Importance of gathering effective feedback Student Representation

11 Questions you can ask your course mates: -Do you feel the course is making you more employable? -Is the course well organised? -Do you receive sufficient information about careers through your course? -Does your course match your expectations? -Are the library and computing facilities adequate? -Does feedback help you improve your performance in future assignments? Student Feedback

12 How you can have an impact Attend training Attend Course Rep Assembly Research and Campaign Students' Union With other Course Reps With SVRs Attend Student Staff Liaison Committees/Course Boards Liaise Module Evaluation Forms National Student Survey (NSS) - KIS Internal Student Survey Complete forms

13 Higher Education Institutional Review Student Staff Liaison Committees Course Boards Review and Revalidation National Student Survey (NSS) Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) Students’ Union / Student Council - Campaign Students and Quality


15 Is it a ‘change’ or ‘awareness’ campaign? Research existing practices to support your campaign Plan how you can resolve this. (what tactics will you use? Be inclusive) Submit a motion to the Student Council (anyone can!) (contact Glenn Page – ) Brand your campaign (logo/slogan) Update your course mates! Campaigning

16 Documents you may come across: Evaluative reports on the course; external examiners’ reports; annual reports; statistics, etc. -Highlight examples of good practice to be commended -Note points that may be an ‘issue’ needing investigation -Chase up to see if they are being dealt with (you can ask SU staff to assist you in this) Analysing data

17 Prepare for the meeting: read documents, gather feedback, plan your participation During the meeting: clarify issues; don’t ask multiple questions or make long speeches; TAKE NOTES. After the meeting: be clear on key outcomes; discuss what you have taken from it; refine a what is left to do. Effective Meeting Behaviour

18 NUS Course Rep conference – Wednesday 11 th February (sign up here representative-conference-tickets-15324625367. ) representative-conference-tickets-15324625367 Queree Conference and AGM – Thursday 12 th February (Atrium – more information here ) Course Rep Awards Student Led Teaching Awards (nominate staff/students who make a difference) (nominations will open end of February; event will be held after Easter) NSS 2015 Help us raise awareness! Quality Assurance Agency review (visits March/April) Keep an eye out on the SU website and get involved Upcoming Events

19 2014/15: Institutional Review by the Quality Assurance Agency Student Submission (1 st draft SU website under ‘Get involved – Campaigns – 2014/15 – Institutional Review’) Get involved: focus groups, surveys, raise issues with SU staff. Attend the review visit (03/14 and 04/14) Email: More info: review QAA Review

20 Community Toolbox: To help you develop skills Further Information

21 Help us improve our training session, please give us your feedback! Was this session useful? How can we improve the support we give to you? Exercise & Feedback

22 Previous minutes -Inconsistencies in feedback on work -Are meetings with Course Leaders regular? -Computers/printers malfunctioning (CA301; CA203) -Lost work -Atlantic House/Cromwell House opening hours -Strikes -Grouping of lectures (Atlantic House/Atrium) Course Rep Assembly

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