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ECLAC measurement activities on Information Society WSIS FORUM 2013 Measuring the WSIS targets 14 May, 2013 Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "ECLAC measurement activities on Information Society WSIS FORUM 2013 Measuring the WSIS targets 14 May, 2013 Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECLAC measurement activities on Information Society WSIS FORUM 2013 Measuring the WSIS targets 14 May, 2013 Geneva

2 Content  eLAC2015 and OSILAC  Regional Dialogue on Broadband and Regional Observatory on Broadband (ORBA)  Review on the WSIS+10 statistical framework

3 ECLAC Information Society program  Broadband for growth and equality.  ICTs for social inclusion.  ICTs for structural change and sustainability. FocusStrategy  Political dialogue eLAC2015 Regional Dialogue on Broadband  Measurement activities  Technical cooperation  Impact on public policies and strategies. Objective

4 Plan of Action on the Information Society for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC2015) Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC)

5 eLAC2015  eLAC is the regional action plan on the Information Society for Latin America and the Caribbean, in accordance to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).  It has a long-term vision -towards 2015- which states that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are tools for economic development and social inclusion.  ECLAC acts as the technical secretariat of eLAC2015, monitoring progress, publishing information and documents and exchanging information among the stakeholders.

6 Follow-up mechanism

7 Long-term strategy

8 Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC)  Created in 2003, promotes harmonize production of ICT indicators.  Technical assistance.  Workshops and roundtables.  Documents on standards and methodological practices about ICT statistics.  Managed an online ICT Statistical Information System with socioeconomic variables.  Combined work with the Partnership on measuring ICT for development.  Contributed to the creation and the activities of the Working Group on ICT of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC (SCA-ECLAC).

9 eLAC2015 indicators commission  Established trough the Action Plan, help define indicators for measuring eLAC2015 targets.  56 indicators for monitoring eLAC2015 targets.  Allowed the meeting of national statistical offices and ministries responsible of dealing with ICT policies, through WG-ICT (SCE-ECLAC) and the focal points of eLAC2015.  Held a workshop in Dominican Republic in November 2011, with the collaboration of the NSO of Dominican Republic and INDOTEL.  The commission was composed of representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).

10 Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society  Montevideo’s Political Declaration contain a recognition of recent developments, current and future challenges, emerging trends and new priorities on the Information Society in the region.  eLAC2015 Work Plan for 2013-2015, define a set of priorities towards 2015. One of the proposed priorities is the regional integration into the WSIS+10 process.

11 Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society  eLAC2015 monitoring report, evaluates the progress made on targets of the Action Plan, identifying the main aspects of the digital divide at a national and regional level.  eLAC2015 list of indicators, define a set of statistical parameters in which the Action Plan should basis their evaluation. This list of indicators considers the statistical framework of WSIS and the core indicators of the Partnership.

12 Regional Dialogue on Broadband and Regional Observatory on Broadband (ORBA)

13 Regional Dialogue on Broadband  Consist of a political forum of senior officials responsible for strategies and policies on ICT’s. The main objective is to serve as a platform for the exchange of experiences and the analysis of public policies aimed to improve the expansion of universal broadband.  Currently consists of representatives from 11 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.  ECLAC acts as the technical secretariat of the forum.

14 Regional Broadband Observatory (ORBA)  It aims to be a source of relevant information to assist countries to develop and monitor public policies on broadband.  Develop statistical information for monitoring broadband services (affordability and quality).  Collects, organize and share information on broadband policies.  Technical assistance.  Prepare studies on specific topics (e.g. IXP).

15 Review on the WSIS+10 statistical framework

16 WSIS +10 review : data needs for Latin America and the Caribbean  The metadata survey took stock of the countries data availability on the WSIS targets indicators.  The region response rate was 27%.

17 Conclusions and recommendations

18  The region has made ​​significant progress in ICT statistical production in recent years.  At a ministerial level it was recognized the importance of join the WSIS+10 review process. Nevertheless, this present a number of challenges.  Improvement of interagency communication, at a national and international level.  Raise awareness on WSIS+10 and promote the dissemination of international standards on ICT statistics.  Provide technical and financial assistance.

19 @socinfo_cepal

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