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Westward Expansion Part I. Texas Texas War for Independence – Texas wins independence from Mexico in 1836. It wanted to become a state right away, but.

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1 Westward Expansion Part I


3 Texas Texas War for Independence – Texas wins independence from Mexico in 1836. It wanted to become a state right away, but did not have a free state to join with it.

4 Election of 1840 – Harrison (Dem) wins, dies one month after taking office. His VP John Tyler becomes President.

5 Manifest Destiny – the belief that the United States should expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific.



8 Oregon Britain and the U.S. – both claimed Oregon Country. Oregon Trail – the route U.S. settlers took from Independence, Missouri to Oregon. Fifty-four Forty or Fight – 54 degrees N in 1840s or fight, a demand by settlers in Oregon to the U.S. President.

9 Election of 1844 – James K. Polk (Dem) vs. Henry Clay (Whig). Polk wins. Oregon and Texas – Polk makes a deal with Britain to set the Oregon boundary at 49 degree N and petitions Congress to allow Texas to join the U.S.

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