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Hey Bill -- Coach K said our uniforms Coach K said our uniforms were cleaner than theirs, thanks to you and VIZIR. Thanks, man! VIZIR: It works harder.

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Presentation on theme: "Hey Bill -- Coach K said our uniforms Coach K said our uniforms were cleaner than theirs, thanks to you and VIZIR. Thanks, man! VIZIR: It works harder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hey Bill -- Coach K said our uniforms Coach K said our uniforms were cleaner than theirs, thanks to you and VIZIR. Thanks, man! VIZIR: It works harder when you work harder. VIZIR and the 1998 NCAA Tournament

2 I have NO PROBLEM taking a sack … VIZIR I’ll just use VIZIR after the game.

3 Mr. Clean… OK, I’m out of Vizir. So, I’ve got to keep these sweaty Vols off my clean Vols off my cleanuniform.

4 PROCTER & GAMBLE: Vizir as First Euro-brand?

5 P&G Multidomestic Strategy UK Germany France Italy Neth.

6 P&G Vizir: Is this a global industry? F Market Drivers F Cost Drivers F Competitive Drivers F Government Drivers F Other factors??

7 International Strategy: Managing Dual Pressures Pressures for Global Efficiency Pressures for Local Responsiveness High Low High Low

8 Product Characteristics Map High Washing Temp Fabric Softener Bleach Additives Enzymatic Stain Removers

9 Product Characteristics Map High Washing Temp Fabric Softener Bleach Additives Enzymatic Stain Removers Italy Spain Italy Excluded countries

10 P&G “TransEuro” Strategy UK Germany France Italy Neth. Spain Zone 1 Zone 2

11 Epilogue F 1981: Vizir launched in Germany ONLY –Natl. subsidiaries resisted pressure from HQ –Henkel launched its own HDL next day!! F 1982: Vizir launched in Austria, Switz, France, Belgium, Neth. –UK, Italy, and Spain > No Vizir; Not forced to adopt products –Timing was critical, to preempt Henkel –Invested to increase capacity

12 Epilogue F VIZIR was precursor to “Liquid Tide” in US –Great irony is: P&G’s struggle to develop “Euro-brand” first found success in another large, integrated market…the U.S. –The VIZIR experience facilitated learning/cross-fertilization w/in P&G worldwide –Developed “world-class” technology and product development capabilities worldwide

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