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United States European Command

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1 United States European Command
Vice Admiral Richard K. Gallagher Deputy Commander United States European Command The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED 1

2 Defend the Homeland Forward and Support U.S. Strategic Interests by:
UNCLASSIFIED EUCOM AOR and Mission 51 Independent States Defend the Homeland Forward and Support U.S. Strategic Interests by: Maintaining ready forces for global operations (unilateral or in concert with coalition partners) Securing strategic access and enabling global freedom of action Enhancing transatlantic security through support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Promoting regional stability Countering terrorism UNCLASSIFIED

3 One of Only Two Forward Based Geographic Combatant Commands
UNCLASSIFIED EUCOM Organization SACEUR/CDR EUCOM DCDR EUCOM One of Only Two Forward Based Geographic Combatant Commands TOTAL Military Strength USAREUR ,740 USAFE ,960 NAVEUR ,580 MARFOREUR SOCEUR ,860 Reserve/NG (daily avg) ,800 TOTAL ,080 Mons, Belgium Stuttgart, Germany USAFE USAREUR MARFOREUR SOCEUR NAVEUR Ramstein, Germany Heidelberg, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Naples, Italy UNCLASSIFIED

4 European Flashpoints AOR Wide Caucasus/Black Sea Balkans
UNCLASSIFIED European Flashpoints AOR Wide Extremist activity Energy security Cyber threats Caucasus/Black Sea Georgia vs. Russia, Abkhazia & S. Ossetia Armenia-Azeri contest over Nagorno-Karabakh Russia-Ukraine friction Balkans Tension in Kosovo & Bosnia Eastern Turkey Turkish military vs. KGK Levant Israel-Hizballah contest Israel Operations in Gaza Internal strife in Lebanon UNCLASSIFIED 4

5 European & Eurasian Energy Pipelines
UNCLASSIFIED European & Eurasian Energy Pipelines UNCLASSIFIED 5

6 Strategic Vision Theater Objectives & Security Challenges
UNCLASSIFIED Strategic Vision Theater Objectives & Security Challenges Capable and Expeditionary NATO Transformed, Expeditionary, Trained and Ready Forces Dynamic and diverse AOR Wide spectrum of challenges Rising Russia; near abroad and energy Extremists in the Theater Sanctuary, battleground, recruitment, logistics base AQ-inspired terrorist groups plotting operations Potential flashpoints in Balkans, Caucasus, and Levant Illegal immigration and drug trafficking Shifting Demographics Strengthened Partnerships Protection of Allies, Partners, and U.S. Interests is Assured Improved Partner Nation Capabilities and Capacities Strategic Freedom of Action Russia as Responsible Partner Regional Crisis Precluded ? UNCLASSIFIED

7 UNCLASSIFIED Building Partner Nation Capacity & Capability (Implementing A Strategy of Active Security) Coalition Support to OIF and OEF International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) State Partnership Program (SPP) Partnership for Peace (PfP) Membership Action Plans (MAP) NATO Special Ops Force Coordination Center Maritime Domain Awareness and Security Joint and Combined Exercises George C. Marshall Center UNCLASSIFIED

8 Exporting Security From Europe Coalition Partners in Afghanistan
UNCLASSIFIED Exporting Security From Europe Coalition Partners in Afghanistan EUCOM AOR Coalition Partners: Albania (ALB) Czech Republic (CZE) Greece (GRC) Luxembourg (LUX) Slovak Rep (SVK) Austria (AUT) Denmark (DNK) Hungary (HUN) Macedonia (MKD) Slovenia (SVN) Azerbaijan (AZE) Estonia (EST) Iceland (ISL) Netherlands (NLD) Spain (ESP) Belgium (BEL) Finland (FIN) Ireland (IRL) Norway (NOR) Sweden (SWE) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) France (FRA) Italy (ITA) Poland (POL) Turkey (TUR) Bulgaria (BGR) Georgia (GEO) Latvia (LVA) Portugal (PRT) Ukraine (UKR) Croatia (HRV) Germany (DEU) Lithuania (LTU) Romania (ROU) United Kingdom (GBR) Other Coalition Partners: AFGHANISTAN COALITION PARTNERS FROM EUCOM AOR: 90% Australia (AUS) Canada (CAN) New Zealand (NZL) Singapore (SGP) Building Partner Capacity Brings Forces to the Fight 90% UNCLASSIFIED Based on 31 Jul 09 data


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