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48% 21% 6% 14% 11% Living Vertebrates What is a FISH?

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Presentation on theme: "48% 21% 6% 14% 11% Living Vertebrates What is a FISH?"— Presentation transcript:


2 48% 21% 6% 14% 11% Living Vertebrates

3 What is a FISH?

4 Bluefish Pomatomidae: Pomatomus saltatrix To 1.1 m. (45 inches) 12 kg. (27 lbs.).

5 Dolphin Coryphaenidae: Coryphaena hippurus To 1.6 m. ( 5.25 ft.) 40 kg. ( 88 lbs.)


7 Lookdown Carangidae: Selene vomer 30 cm (1 ft.)

8 FISH Poikilotherms (cold blooded) Covered in Scales Have fins 99% have external fertilization and external development Live in water

9 FINS -propulsion, turn, brake, steer

10 Teleost Senses Have inner ears for hearing. Good vision. Good sense of smell. Lateral line lets them “feel”.

11 Lateral Line

12 Is there a difference in swim bladder size between a FW fish and a SW fish????

13 Is there a difference in kidney size between a FW fish and a SW fish????

14 Fish scales

15 Lungfish Primitive fish Found in FW only Live in Australia, South America and Africa Breathe air Can drown if held underwater. Can survive droughts by hibernating in mud balls for up to 3 years.


17 SEX


19 Gray Snapper Lutjanidae: Lutjanus griseus To 60 cm. ( 2 ft.) 4.5 kg. (10 lbs.)





24 Electrophorus electricus Narcine brasiliensis

25 Examples of Commercially Important Fishes

26 Practical Considerations: Commercial Fisheries Global fisheries statistics maintained by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Importance of aquaculture Overharvesting of commercially important fishes – Anchovies Fishery concentrated in upwelling zone off the coast of Peru Effect of El Niño on fishery – Tuna Incidental catch: dolphins – Salmon Spawn in fresh water Human impacts on spawning grounds – Atlantic cod Collapse of cod fisheries

27 Anchovy catch in Peru and Ecuador






33 From left: Eric Hunt, JLB Smith, the DC3's pilot, a local French governor, and several Comorans surround the "second" coelacanth that established the Comoros as the first home of the famous "living fossil" in 1952.

34 At a stopover on the way back to South Africa, a nervous JLB Smith sleeps next to the "second" coelacanth in its travel box!

35 Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae


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