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29 January 2010 Enterprise Europe Network – Network Overview – Charlotte Schlicke, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Initial Training Session EEN-India, New Delhi,

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1 29 January 2010 Enterprise Europe Network – Network Overview – Charlotte Schlicke, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Initial Training Session EEN-India, New Delhi, 16.-18.01.2013

2 29 January 2010 99% of European businesses are SMEs SMEsOthers They employ 75 million people

3 29 January 2010 30% of US SMEs export 70% of Chinese SMEs export 13% of European SMEs export

4 29 January 2010 The European Union means huge opportunities

5 29 January 2010

6 Funded by the European Commission under the Competitiveness & Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)

7 29 January 2010 One access point to Europe for SMEs Practical help from local organisations Listening to SMEs and feedback to the European Commission Enterprise Europe Network - our Mission -

8 29 January 2010 Quiz time How many active organisations are part of the Network? 342 600 1526 √

9 29 January 2010 600 partner organisations in 53 countries (incl. India)

10 29 January 2010 Countries hosting EEN offices

11 29 January 2010 I need a business partner in another country… How do I get European funding? What does this EU law mean for my business? How do I find a new market abroad? How can I sell my innovative ideas and technology?

12 29 January 2010 Access to an internal market of 450 million consumers Access to €30 billion in EU funds and financing

13 29 January 2010

14 Main Areas of Activities Going international Technology transfer Access to finance Research funding Advice on EU law and standards Intellectual property and patents Speak up on EU law

15 29 January 2010 The Network – some figures of success: Serves 3 million European small- and medium- sized businesses. Has held more than 19,000 local events for more than 750 000 SMEs. Answered close to 375 000 questions on EU topics. Has attracted around 66 000 businesses to 4 000 brokerage events and company missions. Has helped companies create 5 000 joint ventures and 1 600 firms to apply for FP7 funding

16 29 January 2010 Source: Partnership Agreements Overview 2011-12 (updated: 04/01/2013)Partnership Agreements Overview 2011-12 (updated: 04/01/2013)

17 29 January 2010 Source: Activity Reports from 2009-2010 from article 25.1 partners

18 29 January 2010 Source: Activity Reports from 2009-2010 from article 25.1 partners

19 29 January 2010 How this has helped SMEs 55% of companies surveyed have gained access to new markets More than half have developed a new product, service or implemented a new business process 50% have reported an impact on their turnover 45% have improved their technology 40% have started a new business project 99.7% of companies would recommend the services of the Network Source: client satisfaction survey carried out in the second half of 2010.

20 29 January 2010 Role of the Executive Agency for Competiveness and Innovation - EACI

21 29 January 2010 Who does what? Act of Delegation DG ENTR: Policy Strategic orientations EACI: Operational, Contract management Animation

22 29 January 2010 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) IPorta project (former IPeuropAware) What does the EACI do? In addition, SME specific projects: China IPR Helpdesk

23 29 January 2010 More than 60 colleagues supporting you in the Agency and the European Commission (EACI) EACI Team for Enterprise Europe Network

24 29 January 2010 What can EACI do for you? Communication and daily support Contract management IT support

25 29 January 2010 Network groups Sector groups Working groups Steering & Advisory Group (SAG) …more about this in a further presentation

26 29 January 2010 Training activities Success stories Mentoring & staff exchange Good practices Annual Conference Networking & learning Operational Manual …more about this in a further presentation

27 29 January 2010 Under you find all relevant information and contacts

28 29 January 2010 What have I talked about? Let’s have a short look: Enterprise Europe Network - lessens learnt

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