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Welcome to "Enrich Exit Project Writing with Technology" (Middle School) ELA Institute.

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2 Welcome to "Enrich Exit Project Writing with Technology" (Middle School) ELA Institute


4 How to Register Go to Protraxx at http://pd.nycoit.org Select NYC Dept. of Education Online Catalog Enter Username & Password (or get reminder) Enter Department Instructional Technology Enter Course Title: Enhancing Exit Projects … Click Enroll Now







11 Goals of the 3-Day ELA Institutes

12 Enrich Exit Project Writing with Technology in the Middle School Audience: M. S. ELA, Social Studies & Tech Teachers Location: Court Square, Long Island City Date & Time: 11/6, 12/4, 12/18 from 9AM to 3PM

13 Class Overview Writing teachers will discover how to support their students in using technology to enhance the writing component of exit projects. Participants explore the stages of the writing process and learn how Internet tools and advanced word processing features can support collecting ideas and selecting topics to capture in an electronic writer’s notebook. The class culminates with participants celebrating writing using a collaborative online tool to publish their work. Participants also learn how to enhance the delivery and receipt of instruction using SmartBoard tools specifically designed for Literacy teachers. Upon completion of this class participants will create and digitally publish a literacy lesson they will use in their practice using their newly acquired 21st Century skills.

14 Three Sessions Overview Session 1: Participants will identify and explore digital tools to enhance the research and writing processes. Session 2: Participants will explore Interactive Whiteboards features specifically designed for ELA educators to enhance the delivery and receipt of instruction. Session 3: Participants will create and digitally publish a Project Plan for a Social Studies Exit Project that incorporates newly acquired 21st Century skills.

15  This professional development is aligned to the National Educational Technology standards, The New York State Literacy standards and the National Staff Development Council standards and can be used in conjunction with any literacy program.  This professional development is aligned to the National Educational Technology standards, The New York State Literacy standards and the National Staff Development Council standards and can be used in conjunction with any English program.

16 Step One: Define the Problem Clearly define topicClearly define topic BrainstormBrainstorm Define Essential Research QuestionDefine Essential Research Question Develop appropriate keywordsDevelop appropriate keywords Identify prior knowledge on topicIdentify prior knowledge on topic

17 Step Two: Plan Strategies Designate and define students’ rolesDesignate and define students’ roles Determine final multimedia productDetermine final multimedia product Create timeline for research processCreate timeline for research process Develop rubric for evaluation of process & productDevelop rubric for evaluation of process & productrubric

18 Step Three: Find Information Define type of information neededDefine type of information needed Assess the validity of informationAssess the validity of informationvalidity of informationvalidity of information Identify various sources of data Identify various sources of data –Online databases of articles Online databases of articlesOnline databases of articles –Encyclopedia information Encyclopedia informationEncyclopedia information –Primary resources Primary resourcesPrimary resources –Multimedia files Multimedia filesMultimedia files –Maps and global images Maps

19 Step Four: Use Information Take notes with Digital Index CardsTake notes with Digital Index CardsDigital Index CardsDigital Index Cards Question information and sourcesQuestion information and sources Cite resources with MLA or APA styleCite resources with MLA or APA styleMLAAPA MLAAPA Synthesize information in a format applicable to the final productSynthesize information in a format applicable to the final product Text Publicatio n Charts & Graphs Speeches, Music & Audio Files Audio Files Visual Arts Movies & Photos

20 Step Five: Build the Product Acquire the media tools neededAcquire the media tools needed Edit and revise draftsEdit and revise drafts Determine how new knowledge will be demonstratedDetermine how new knowledge will be demonstrated Use planning tools, like storyboards and sound editing softwareUse planning tools, like storyboards and sound editing software

21 Step Six: Share Final Product & Evaluate Use Project Based Learning Checklist to assure completionUse Project Based Learning Checklist to assure completionProject Based Learning Checklist Project Based Learning Checklist Prepare and present product for select audiencePrepare and present product for select audience Evaluation by peer review, audience feedback, surveys, and teacher’s rubricEvaluation by peer review, audience feedback, surveys, and teacher’s rubric Sunset Park: A Photo TourSunset Park: A Photo TourSunset Park: Sunset Park:

22 The Six Slide Lesson The 6-slide lesson allows us to structure an interactive, SMART board lesson that fits within one 45-minute period. It follows the Columbia University Teacher's College "Workshop" model for lesson plans. Brief Introduction: 5 minutes Group work: 30 minutes Share: 10 minutes Slide #1: Teaching Point, Teacher's name and Date Introduce the lesson verbally with this slide projected. Slide #2: Create a graphic organizer (Venn diagram, KWL) Slide #3: Vocabulary- Always introduce new vocabulary. It's required for ELL students and works real well with General Ed. students. Slide #4: Interactive, multimedia slide. Slide #5: Writing Journal Slide #6: Conclusion and homework


24 Who What Why Where When

25 What We Know What We Want to Know What I Learned








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