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Spanish Suffixes. 1. The Diminutive Suffixes: express smallness, cuteness, affection are added to the end of a noun and sometimes an adjective In Spanish.

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1 Spanish Suffixes

2 1. The Diminutive Suffixes: express smallness, cuteness, affection are added to the end of a noun and sometimes an adjective In Spanish the diminutive suffixes are “ito, ita, itos, itas.” To form the diminutive 1. drop the last vowel of the noun (or adjective) 2. add the “ito” ending that agrees in gender and number with the noun being made diminutive Examples: beso  bes+ ito =besito Ana  An + ita =Anita (little kiss) (Annie)

3 3. Spelling changes: c  qu chico  chiqu + ito =chiquito g  gu amigo  amigu + ito =amiguito z  c taza  tac + ita =tacita 2. The Superlative Suffixes: express “extremely” + adjective 1. In Spanish the superlative suffixes are: “ísimo, ísima, ísimos, ísimas.” follow the same pattern/rules as the “diminutive” bueno  buen + ísimo =buenísimo grande  grand + ísimo =grandísimo

4 2. Spelling changes: 3. The spelling changes that apply to the diminutive also apply to the superlative. c  qu rico  riqu+ ísimo =riquísimo g  gu largo  largu+ ísimo =larguísimo z  c feliz  felic+ ísimo =felicísimo 3. For nouns and adjectives that end in a consonant: add the “ito” or “ísimo” suffix directly to the end of the word. Juan  Juanitopastel  pastelito fácil  facilísimomarrón  marronísimo

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