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CONCLUSION OF WORKSHOP 2 “NEW EUROPE NEW TWINNINGS EUROPEAN FORUM” Moderator: Blanca Soler Partenalia’s Executive Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCLUSION OF WORKSHOP 2 “NEW EUROPE NEW TWINNINGS EUROPEAN FORUM” Moderator: Blanca Soler Partenalia’s Executive Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCLUSION OF WORKSHOP 2 “NEW EUROPE NEW TWINNINGS EUROPEAN FORUM” Moderator: Blanca Soler Partenalia’s Executive Secretary

2 Diputación Provincial de Almería Diputación de Badajoz Conseil Général du Gard Provincia di Modena Romanian Parliament Ajuntament de Sant Pere de Ribes Ajuntament de Sitges Ajuntament de l’Alcora Ajuntament d’Artana Ajuntament de Benicàssim Ajuntament de Betxí Ajuntament de Torreblanca Ajuntament de Vall d’Alba Ajuntament de Vilafranca Municipality of Apeldoorn City of Ede Utena Municipality Ploiesti City Council

3 COOPERATION EU15 & NEM: Ways of Cooperation: Ways of Cooperation: Town Twinning European Funds Bilateral, international cooperation Bilateral, international cooperation T winning by means of another networks: T winning by means of another networks: Generalist networks for territorial cooperation Thematic networks (culture, gastronomy, social services) National networks European Projects: European Projects: Structural funds Community initiatives Youth with Europe Socrates

4 TOWN TWINNING EXPERIENCES: Differences between EU twinnings and traditional ones: - - Folklore as tool for keeping the twinnings active, main activity EU twinnings promote the knowledge of languages by means of student exchange From traditional twinning to thematic twinning. Involvement of politicians and citizens: Motivation for citizenship and politicians Language barriers?: Not in the agreement, but in the development of cooperation activities Evident effects after twinning: Culture Language Tourism promotion (gastronomy, etc) Information about European programs Elimination of prejudices Cultural enrichment Potential partners for other European projects

5 TOWN TWINNING PROGRAM EVALUATION: Suggestions: Suggestions: Handbook of best practices regarding town twinning To reward the seniority of the projects Comments about the forms: Comments about the forms: Available in more languages Grants: Grants: Insufficient contributions in an enlarged Europe demoralize the municipalities which don’t feel supported Deadlines: Deadlines: Very belated answers to grants requests Very belated answers to grants requests

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