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Apartheid By Talen Sehgal. Beginnings 1913 Land Act – Reserves – Sharecroppers.

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Presentation on theme: "Apartheid By Talen Sehgal. Beginnings 1913 Land Act – Reserves – Sharecroppers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apartheid By Talen Sehgal

2 Beginnings 1913 Land Act – Reserves – Sharecroppers

3 Growth 1948 Afrikaner Party won election Used Slogan “Apartheid” Strengthened Racial Segregation

4 Structure Population Registration Act of 1950 – Separated People based on Color White Colored Bantu

5 Rights Bantu people lost rights, homes, jobs Deemed “unequal” No longer allowed in Government

6 Effects Bantu people lost jobs Treated as less than human Ripple effect

7 Opposition Formation of the African Nation Congress Led by Nelson Mandela – Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation)

8 Opposition Nelson Mandela arrested in 1963-1990 Drew international support for the Anti- Apartheid cause

9 Apartheid Ends United Nations denounces Apartheid in 1973 USA and UK imposed economic sanctions in 1985 1994 Elections held marking end of Apartheid

10 Master Harold…and the boys Time setting was 1950s Willie and Sam were both Black Males Harold was White Not seen as equals Man of Magnitude

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