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Subordinating Conjunctions Helps to combine a dependent clause to an independent clause. Dependent clause – incomplete thought ● After the game Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Subordinating Conjunctions Helps to combine a dependent clause to an independent clause. Dependent clause – incomplete thought ● After the game Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subordinating Conjunctions Helps to combine a dependent clause to an independent clause. Dependent clause – incomplete thought ● After the game Independent clause – complete thought (subject, predicate, doesn’t need more info) ● we went to Subway to eat. After the game, we went to Subway to eat.

2 Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions help to create complex sentences.

3 Subordinating Conjunctions Here is an easy tool to use when trying to think of subordinating conjunctions: A - asU - unless A - althoughB - because A - afterB - before W - while I - if W - whenS - since

4 Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions help to answer the question “Then what?” As the day ended, - - then what? After the game was over, - - then what? Since the dog ran away, - - then what?

5 Subordinating Conjunctions IMPORTANT: There is a comma between the subordinating conjunction (dependent clause/AAAWWUBBISS phrase) & the independent clause Although he studied until midnight, he still failed the test. dependent clause/AAAWWUBBISS phrase independent clause

6 Subordinating Conjunctions - If a sentence begins with an AAAWWUBBIS word, it signals a comma will be needed. Example: After we left the park, the wind storm knocked over some of the trees. - If the AAAWWUBBIS word/phrase is not at the beginning of the sentence you will not need a comma Example: The wind storm knocked over some trees after we left the park.

7 Subordinating Conjunctions Formula for a sentence with a subordinating conjunction: AAAWWUBBIS phrase + comma + independent clause = complete complex sentence Before I went to school today, I ate a nice hearty breakfast.

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