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Welcome to Primary 5 Meet the Teacher 2013. Class Teachers Primary 5a – Miss Mackie Primary 5b – Miss McAlinden/Mrs Friel Primary 5c – Miss McGraw Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 5 Meet the Teacher 2013. Class Teachers Primary 5a – Miss Mackie Primary 5b – Miss McAlinden/Mrs Friel Primary 5c – Miss McGraw Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 5 Meet the Teacher 2013

2 Class Teachers Primary 5a – Miss Mackie Primary 5b – Miss McAlinden/Mrs Friel Primary 5c – Miss McGraw Primary 5d – Miss McSkimming Additional Teaching staff Mr Jamieson - P.E Teacher Miss Timoney/Mr Doyle – French Miss Gourlay - RME Miss Milne – RME/French

3 Being prepared for school Lining up Equipment Snack Lunch Uniform Dressing for the weather

4 Being prepared for school P.E kit black shorts white t- shirt/polo shirt appropriate footwearno jewellery/tape on ears long hair tied back P.E Days: Primary 5a Tuesday Thursday Friday Primary 5b Tuesday Wednesday Friday Primary 5c Monday Thursday Friday Primary 5d Tuesday Thursday Friday

5 Homework Homework is issued weekly on a Tuesday and should be handed in on the following Monday. Pupils will receive a short Spelling, Literacy and Numeracy task each week. Expectations If your child has any difficulties with their homework, please contact their class teacher. Homework is issued in a grid.

6 Example Grid


8 Behaviour Expectations in the classroom, corridors and playground. Code of Conduct Class Charter Golden Time ‘In Carolside Primary School we aim to create a positive learning environment where all pupils, staff and parents are treated with equality, fairness and respect. We recognise the strong link between effective learning and positive behaviour and we strive to maximise learning at all times’.

9 Curriculum Throughout P5 your child will study the following subjects: Literacy and English Mathematics Health and Wellbeing Social Studies Science Expressive Arts (Art and Design, Music, Drama, Dance) French Religious and Moral Education Technologies

10 This term we will be learning… Social Studies – Scotland Science – The Human Body Health and Wellbeing – Nutrition RME – Churches and Worship

11 A Primary 5 information pack will be sent home with all pupils tomorrow. Please leave feedback at the foyer on your way out.

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