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Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Richard L. Crout, Sherwin Ladner, Ruhul Amin, and Adam Lawson Ocean Sciences Branch - Oceanography Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Richard L. Crout, Sherwin Ladner, Ruhul Amin, and Adam Lawson Ocean Sciences Branch - Oceanography Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Richard L. Crout, Sherwin Ladner, Ruhul Amin, and Adam Lawson Ocean Sciences Branch - Oceanography Division Naval Research Laboratory Bob Arnone University of Southern Mississippi 1 Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing Wednesday 26 February 2014

2 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Outline Background Study Site Results – Spectra – Time Series – Image/Data Comparisons – Full Image Conclusions 2Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing

3 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Background MODIS – Processed with MOBY gains VIIRS – Processed with MOBY (blue-water) gains GOCI – GOCI data from 4 pm GTM, corresponds to local noon Reduces sun glint and sensor issues Aeronet SeaPrism – Gageocho Aeronet (SeaPrism #624) was moved to Ieodo Results in a data gap from May 2012 – December 2013 3Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing

4 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Sources of Variability SensorMODISVIIRSGOCIIn Situ Center Frequency 412.5412 411 443445443442 488 490 551555 551 667672660668 Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing4

5 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Ieodo nLw to rrs conversion for JD 335 2013 nLw(411)nLw(442)nLw(490)nLw(551)nLw(668) nLw/Fsub0_eq0.009660.012020.015760.020970.007459 nLw/Fsub0_ne0.009080.012710.016540.020870.007451 nLw_f/Q/Fsub0_ eq 0.008510.010340.012900.016580.006360 nLw_f/Q/Fsub0_ ne 0.008010.010930.013540.016500.006353 eq-ne0.00057-0.00069-0.000789.8259E-058.0951E-06 nLw/Fsub0 – nLw_f/Q/Fsub0 0.00051-0.00059-0.000637.7676E-056.9022E-06 eq/ne1.063556620.945609050.952794611.004706191.00108642 nLw/Fsub0 / nLw_f/Q/Fsub0 1.063556620.945609050.952794611.004706191.00108642 Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing5 F sub 0 values are not for same lambda nLw values are not the same Differences Ratio of methods

6 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Study site – Total Backscatter at 555 nm image Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing6

7 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Data Availability Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing7 JD YearIn situMODISVIIRSGOCIAnalyzedPresented 085 2012GageochoYesNoYesNo 108 2012GageochoPRODFAILYes 117 2012GageochoPRODFAILYes 118 2012GageochoYes 124 2012GageochoPRODFAILYes 138 2012GageochoPRODFAILYes 277 2013NoYes 304 2013NoInvalidNoYesNo 335 2013IeodoPRODFAILYes 339 2013NoPRODFAILYes 341 2013IeodoYes 346 2013IeodoYes

8 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery JD 117 2012 Spectra Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing8

9 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery JD 118 2012 Spectra – Gageocho Site Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing9

10 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery JD 341 2013 spectra – Iedeo Site Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing10

11 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery All sensors time series - rrs 550 Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing11

12 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery rrs 555 GOCI – in situ Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing12 In situ GOCI no Gains GOCI Gains In situ

13 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery rrs 555 VIIRS – in situ Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing13 VIIRS no Gains In situ VIIRS Gains

14 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery rrs 555 GOCI/VIIRS - MODIS Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing14 MODIS VIIRS Gains GOCI Gains

15 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Sensor Comparisons rrs 412SlopeInterceptR2R2 GOCI no Gains In situ 0.9089+0.00020.9056 GOCI Gains In situ 0.9061-0.00140.8811 GOCI Gains MODIS 0.8824-0.00060.9407 VIIRS no Gains In situ 0.8486+0.00050.9060 VIIRS Gains In situ 0.9350+0.00070.6379 VIIRS Gains MODIS 1.2074-0.00020.9979 rrs 443SlopeInterceptR2R2 GOCI no Gains In situ 0.8499-0.00120.8891 GOCI Gains In situ 0.9392-0.00280.8928 GOCI Gains MODIS 0.9795-0.00100.9930 VIIRS no Gains In situ 0.9226-0.00060.8958 VIIRS Gains In situ 1.0460-0.00140.7464 VIIRS Gains MODIS 1.1413+0.00020.9869 Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing15

16 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Sensor Comparisons rrs 490SlopeInterceptR2R2 GOCI no Gains In situ 0.9362-0.00230.8411 GOCI Gains In situ 0.9362-0.00110.6347 GOCI Gains MODIS 1.1021-0.00110.9966 VIIRS no Gains In situ 1.0249-0.00200.8653 VIIRS Gains In situ 1.1840-0.00340.8163 VIIRS Gains MODIS 1.1783-0.00030.9904 rrs 660SlopeInterceptR2R2 GOCI no Gains In situ 0.8458-0.00040.9718 GOCI Gains In situ 1.0452-0.00040.9542 GOCI Gains MODIS 1.0653-0.00020.9984 VIIRS no Gains In situ 1.0248-0.00050.9562 VIIRS Gains In situ 1.0489-0.00070.8498 VIIRS Gains MODIS 1.0564-0.000050.8973 Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing16

17 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Statistics for Sensor Comparisons Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing17 rrs 555SlopeInterceptR2R2 GOCI no Gains In situ 0.8865-0.00180.9143 GOCI Gains In situ 1.0809-0.00160.8635 GOCI Gains MODIS 1.1183-0.00040.9980 VIIRS no Gains In situ 1.0558-0.00200.8764 VIIRS Gains In situ 1.2124-0.00320.8921 VIIRS Gains MODIS 1.1639-0.00040.9737

18 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Single Point to Full Image comparison Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing18 R 2 ValuesSingle Sample, Multiple ImagesSingle Image, all samples ChannelGOCI-MODISVIIRS-MODISGOCI-MODISVIIRS-MODIS 4120.9410.9980.8340.942 4430.9930.9870.9230.971 4900.9970.9900.9760.985 5550.9980.9740.9840.990 6900.9980.8970.9750.983

19 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery JD 277 GOCI Total Backscatter at 555 nm Image Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing19

20 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery JD 277 MODIS – GOCI Image Comparison 20Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing

21 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery JD 277 MODIS – VIIRS Image Comparison Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing21

22 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Conclusions VIIRS and GOCI compare favorably to MODIS in the Yellow Sea R2 values impacted by the green water sites at Ieodo – Optical properties at two sites are different, Gageocho more representative of blue water and Ieodo more representative of mixed water – MOBY (blue water) gains applied to VIIRS do not work as well in green water Data from single points and imagery show similar statistics Application of gains lowers rrs in most cases Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing22

23 Evaluation of GOCI, MODIS, and VIIRS Imagery Future Efforts Session 42 Optical Remote Sensing23 Develop green-water gains for VIIRS and MODIS

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