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Quest ion 1 Many different peoples with land controlled by one ruler is A.) a kingdom. B.) an empire. C.) a nation.D.) a country. LF.

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4 Quest ion 1 Many different peoples with land controlled by one ruler is A.) a kingdom. B.) an empire. C.) a nation.D.) a country. LF


6 Quest ion 2 Powerful city-states expanded to control much of A.) Africa. B.)Mesopotamia C.)Egypt.D.) the Nile River. LF


8 Quest ion 3 The Phoenician trade routes were important because A.) they wanted to go to war. B.) people could sell their goods by using chariots. C.) they provided a way for the Phoenicians to sell their crops. D.) the Phoenicians could buy what other s were selling. LF


10 Quest ion 4 Sargon’s conquests (wins) spread Akkadian A.) ideas B.) culture. C.) writing system.D.) all of the above LF


12 Quest ion 5 Who wrote the first books of laws? A.) Sargon B.) Akkad C.) HammurabiD.) Ur LF


14 Quest ion 6 The Fertile Crescent was know for A.) rich soil B.) water C.) good farmingD.) all of the above LF


16 Quest ion 7 The Fertile Crescent is located between the A.) Tigris and the Nile Rivers. B.) Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. C.) Euphrates and Nile Rivers. D.) Euphrates River and the Red Sea. LF


18 Quest ion 8 Why does Hammurabi’s Code matter to us now? A.) It is a secret code that spies use. This helps our government. B.) It does not matter now. That happened a long time ago. C.) It is the language we use today. D.) It established the idea that the rule of law is important to society. LF


20 Quest ion 9 This city is located to the north of Babylon. A.) Ur B.) Sumer C.) NinevehD.) Jerusalem LF


22 Quest ion 10 The Phoenician trade routes started from the city of A.) Cyprus B.) Carthage C.) TyreD.) Sicily LF


24 Quest ion 11 The Phoenician trade routes went through this to get to the Atlantic Ocean. A.) the Straits of Gibraltar B.) the Red Sea C.) the Persian GulfD.) the Nile River LF


26 Quest ion 12 This empire was the first to use iron swords and to build chariots for their army. A.) Chaldean B.) Babylonian C.)D.) Assyria LF


28 Quest ion 13 This army was known for their cruelty to the people they defeated and for terrorizing people. A.) Babylonian B.) Chaldean C.) AssyrianD.) Akkadian LF


30 Quest ion 14 Nebuchadnezzar built this for his wife. A.) The Straits of Gibraltar B.) a chariot C.) a zigguratD.) Hanging Gardens of Babylon LF


32 Quest ion 15 Who replaced the Assyrian Empire? A.) ChaldeansB.) Babylonians C.) AkkadiansD.) Nebuchadnezzar LF

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