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HIIT Retreat Group I: Research project preparation, coordination and management of results in HIIT ARU.

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Presentation on theme: "HIIT Retreat Group I: Research project preparation, coordination and management of results in HIIT ARU."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIIT Retreat Group I: Research project preparation, coordination and management of results in HIIT ARU

2 HIIT Retreat Group I: How to sell Quality Products of HIIT ARU?

3 HIIT sales channel Three approaches: –Director of Research –Projects –Research Themes Research Theme Research Area Tutkimusohjelma –All the same… …but exactly what?

4 HIIT Organisation Acceleration, rapid expansion is now behind We have not reach the plateau yet Good moment to re-consider mood of operation and organisation organisation having groups working on themes organisation with processes having themes Quality control

5 Research Themes Each theme is defined in a white-paper –defines the theme and its focus –describes the research challenges Pre-requisite: Core Project has to be located in ARU Future: a number of research groups working in one thematic area –well-defined communication protocol must exist between themes

6 Pros of research themes Prevents –HIIT internal ’cannibalism’ –competition with BRU HUT University of Helsinki Makes it easier to –understand structure of HIIT contact points –approach HIIT post-docs

7 HIIT Role To see further in time and Have global understanding –Companies do not have resources to do this Contact to talent of current and emerging tech Large variety of experts to discuss with –about future scenarios –enterprise time-span / research time-span To create a shared understanding of the big picture of the future –Single non-optimal success of a project is not a threat

8 HIIT Quality and Brand Internal All research projects will get funded External HIIT research project –is a precious and scarce resource –HIIT watermark: proof-of-quality in itself

9 Proposal HIIT’s strategy is implemented in a number research themes Theme time frame is 3-5 years Themes have projects Projects have life-span of 0,5-2 years There’s a senior leader for each of the theme The round table of theme leaders –HIIT strategy for a specific research program (NETS/FENIX) –How projects differ from each other (sales-wise)

10 Proposal More flexibility inside themes –Currently: project centric resource management –Resource roaming inside themes Budget for research themes –HUT, UH –Companies the original idea of HIIT –Helsinki Area Innovation Funding?

11 Proposal: Roles in sales Director of Research –Head of sales, as well Research Theme Leaders Coordinator / Suunnittelija –Sales skills: ‘HIIT show’ or ‘Theme show’ –Controls ‘sales tool-box’ of HIIT –Less pressure for project managers Project Manager Researcher

12 Proposal: research deliverable templates Set of pre-defined deliverables Research work results are defined as products Project picks up the most suitable ones Scientific papers, software, IPR, seminars …are results of… more or less painful experience How to deliver experience to companies –research Values and industrial Values –Technical Report vs. Business Report

13 Proposal: possible products Seminar – for a number of companies Demo Day – exhibition like Workshop –Company visit (company might give the subject inside the research subject) Team work –Discussion and case exercises with one partner HIIT Game –Scenario-based, business tournament with one partner

14 Group 1 thanks for Your attention

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