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Lecture 1 Jan 08, 2008. Outline Course logistics Introducing tools to be used in the course Overview of Social Web and Web 2.0 Definition History Key.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 1 Jan 08, 2008. Outline Course logistics Introducing tools to be used in the course Overview of Social Web and Web 2.0 Definition History Key."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 1 Jan 08, 2008

2 Outline Course logistics Introducing tools to be used in the course Overview of Social Web and Web 2.0 Definition History Key elements Example applications

3 Logistics Weekly Coursework Assignments Final Project

4 Weekly Coursework Assigned reading 2 papers out of 4-6 assigned readings for two topics per week Response to assigned reading 2 postings A critique, an elaborated question creating discussion, or a reply to earlier posts To be posted by Sunday midnight before the class in Comtella-D 15% of the grade

5 Weekly Coursework Learning journal Reflection of what you have learned about the topics covered last week About one paragraph To be posted by the next class on your blog 8% of the grade

6 Weekly Coursework Resource sharing Finding 2 interesting resources (a system, a video, a blog posting, a comic, etc.) related to either topics discussed every class Include a short remark describing the resource To be posted by the next class in Umtella 5% of the grade Show and Tell 2 times throughout the semester Presents the resources you have found to class 5% of the grade

7 Assignments & Final Project Assignments Creating “About You” on Facebook (2%) Programming assignment using social web technologies (10%) Before midterm Comprehensive study of several social systems (15%) Midterm Final project Group project Mash-ups, Facebook APIs, DRUPAL, … (40%)

8 Facebook Social networking User Interaction Creating and Sharing of content Purpose About You URL:

9 Wordpress Blog Weblog Software tools allowing easy creation of a website Purpose Personal learning journal URL:

10 Wiki Collaborative development of a website Purpose Summary of lectures Sample wiki aws_resources/index.php/ Main_Page

11 Umtella Purpose Resource sharing URL: um

12 Comtella-D Discussion forum Purpose Postings on assigned readings URL

13 CoPE Paper summary sharing site Purpose Post summaries of core topic papers URL:

14 CiteULike Research paper sharing site Purpose Post discovered relevant papers URL:

15 Social Web What do you think?

16 The Social Web Open global distributed data sharing network similar to today's World Wide Web, except instead of linking documents, the Social Web will link people, organizations, and concepts.

17 Coverage of Social Web in Media

18 Web 2.0 Term was introduced following the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004 By September 2005, a Google search for Web 2.0 returned more than 9.5 million results Next generation web exploiting user- generated content in sophisticated and powerful way Web 2.0 video by Tim OR’eilly ( M)

19 What Web 2.0 is and what is not Semantic web Collection of new web technologies Innovative applications of existing technologies blogs, wikis, and RSS Living Web Read-Write Web

20 What is Web 2.0 Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Semantic Web User Centric Data Centric Fun Video on YouTube (

21 Key Elements What comes to your mind first when you think about web 2.0?

22 Key Elements 1.Collective Intelligence The web of connections grows organically as an output of the collective activity of all web users Critical mass of participation act as filtering what is valuable

23 User reviews on

24 Key Elements 25%-40% of Amazon’s sales 1/5 of netflix rentals comes from not top 3000 movies 2. Long Tail First coined by Chris Anderson (2004) “Businesses with distribution power can sell a greater volume of otherwise hard-to-find items at small volumes than of popular items at large volumes. “ Majority of truly relevant information available on the web is not on the well known web servers

25 Key Elements 3. Data Reuse Usage of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) Mash-ups programming on the web High level of abstraction


27 Successes Winning over competitors by engaging users

28 Successes Google PageRank search algorithm Using the link structure of the web


30 Successes eBay Collective activity of all its users

31 Time-bar of Web 2.0

32 Collaboration & Collective Intelligence Intelligence that emerges from collaboration of many individuals Social navigation Navigation towards cluster of people Navigation because other people have looked at something Following footprint of others Collaborative browsing Navigation of the Internet by several people sharing the same information seeking goal and interests

33 Community based Systems Harnessing the power of the community to create and structure new information Community based web search Community based browsing 1 10 Synthesizers 100 consumers creators

34 Technologies RSS Really Simple Syndication XML based metadata content Provides updates when the content is modified Web services "a software system designed to support interoperable Machine to Machine interaction over a network." SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol A protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over computer networks, normally using HTTP/HTTPS Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML A group of inter-related web development techniques used for creating interactive web applications Mash-up A web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool

35 Social Technologies Folksonomy Collaborative tagging The practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content

36 Social Technologies Podcasting iPod + Broadcast A collection of digital media files which is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers

37 Famous Web 2.0 Applications Wikipedia Launched in 2001 Largest and fastest growing, and most popular reference work As of December 2007 9 ¼ million articles in 253 languages 2,154,000 articles in English

38 Famous Web 2.0 Applications Delicious & Flickr Pioneered the concept of folksonomy Collaborative categorization using freely chosen keywords (tags)

39 Famous Web 2.0 Applications Cloudmark Collaborative spam filtering Aggregate the individual decisions of email users

40 Famous Web 2.0 Applications Peer-production methods of open source software projects

41 Future 2.0

42 Reading for next class Social Navigation 1.Footprints: history-rich tools for information foraging ( ticle/518781) 2.Supporting Social Navigation on the World- Wide-Web ( /article/86730) Social Search

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